Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4958: Doppelganger Begins

Zecan's pupils shrank slightly when he saw these two figures.

On the left and right sides of Xiao Yu, there appeared figures exactly like Xiao Yu!

At the same time, some people with better eyesight in the distance also seemed to have seen two people around Xiao Yu, both in the same form and movement.

Duan Muting's pupils suddenly shrank from the depths, and his heart trembled.

"What a rich wood element spiritual power, is that...Aoki clone?"

"Ao Mu Clone?" Duan Mu Song and the others looked shocked.

Of course they had heard of the Aoki avatar, it was one of the legendary supernatural powers!

Of course, that was only mentioned in the legends of their ancestors, and no one was able to cultivate.

"When the senior's consciousness came out just now, he said that Xiao Yu was his heir, and now Xiao Yu's urging of Wood Element spiritual power far exceeds us, could it be..." Duan Muting took a breath. He seemed to think of something.

Duanmu Song, Duanmu Donglu and other elders also held their breath.

Legend has it that the Secret Realm was obtained by their ancestors by chance, and no one knew what it was.

Judging from the signs of the various powers in Xiao Yu's body, could it be that the chance inside had something to do with their Duanmu family?

Could it be the inheritance of a certain wood property! ?

If that's the case, then in terms of blood, Xiao Yu is much higher than their Duanmu family!

Mu Tianhong was shocked when he saw this scene.

His face was extremely hideous, and his crazy posture was like a beast, and he roared unwillingly.

"No!! This inheritance should have been mine!!"

The inheritance in the secret territory should have belonged to him.

Originally, as long as he killed this kid himself, then he could obtain the inheritance he obtained in it.

But Mu Tianhong's wishful thinking was wrong, and Xiao Yu was much stronger than he thought.

"As long as I kill this kid, then I can get his chance and inheritance!"

Mu Tianhong knew too well how shocking and terrifying it was when Jiang Hai's divine power consciousness appeared just now.

Although he didn't know what kind of power it was, he also knew that that kind of power was beyond the ancestors of the past.

As long as Xiao Yu is killed, he can obtain Xiao Yu's body, and then he will find a way to obtain this inheritance.

Because by that time, no one in the entire Coffin Continent was Mu Tianhong's opponent.

When Zecan saw the two clones next to Xiao Yu, and still possessed an independent consciousness and a breath of independence, his entire eyes flickered with uncertainty.

"Clone? Boy, I didn't expect you to have such magical powers." The murderous intent in Ze Can's eyes became even more crazy.

In the spiritual arts of the Nine Heavens World, the cohesion of clones can rely on the power of a certain attribute to condense exactly the same physical body.

Powers such as life attributes can condense a body with a breath of life.

For another example, some kind of clone formation can also condense a clone of soul consciousness with exactly the same breath.

But the status of a clone like Xiao Yu as the real body is almost unheard of.

It was Zecan who was very knowledgeable and had never seen such a weird scene.

Xiao Yu on the left said solemnly: "Finally know your ignorance?"

Xiao Yu on the right also said coldly: "Now of the three of us, you only have one, do you still have 100% confidence?"


Xiao Yu in the middle gave a loud shout, and the three figures suddenly rushed towards Ze Can.


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