Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4959: The power of clone

In the sky, each of the three figures exploded with different power auras.

The Xiao Yu in the middle is still the surging and vast power of Shura.

The blood-black substantive Shura knife condensed and turned into a layer of blood-colored armor on Xiao Yu's body.

And the Xiao Yu on the left had a burst of green light on his body. It was the first physical body that cultivated both the Qingmu Shengjue and the Zhenlong Stake at the same time, but at this time Xiao Yu was urging the Qingmu Holy Body.

The state of the Aomu Saint Body's initial stage was madly urged, and at the same time, a semi-transparent, slightly green sword energy was condensed in Xiao Yu's hand.

The advanced form of Aoki Sword, Linglong Sword!

In the second body, the purple-black light began to condense crazily, and the whole person was filled with a dark atmosphere, and his pupils seemed to come from under hell.

The second body was to practice Wu Ming Dian and Buddha Jue at the same time, as well as Black Flame.

What Xiao Yu urged at this moment was the power of the Buddha.

I saw a black flame dragging in Xiao Yu's palm. The silent and temperatureless flame gave people a state like a **** demon.

The three body shapes, the powers blasted out, the power of ruining the sky and the earth, surging wantonly in the real realm, feeling this scene, it is Zecan who feels that a great oppression is spreading over. .

Under the assimilation of Xiao Yu's ontological consciousness, the two flesh bodies also possessed the ability to fly.

After all, you must know that although the two physical bodies are independent consciousnesses, they are all controlled by Xiao Yu's ontological consciousness, and the three consciousnesses are connected to each other.

The Shura Knife rose one hundred meters in the face of the storm, as if it had opened up the world, and suddenly slashed towards Zecan.

The black flames on the other branch erupted with terrifying black light, and the strange black flame burned out a black sea of ​​fire, as if it could burn the world.

Xiao Yu of the Greenwood Saint Body also slashed out a sword, the exquisite sword light surged by a hundred meters, piercing the void, and slashed over.

"court death!!!"

After all, Ze Can's realm power was tied to the realm of the Tibetan Dao realm by the real realm. Naturally, each of these three offensives was enough to kill a Tibetan realm in the pinnacle realm. How he was not angry.

The three offensives all shot together, which is simply terrifying.

The offensive of the three colors instantly enveloped the offensive for a full kilometer, and everyone who watched the battle from a distance was shocked.

Ze Can yelled and punched out. His fist volley changed three times, and the three times his punches were strong, as if the mountains had been broken.

"San Ling Hun Yuan Quan!"


The entire Scarlet Realm space actually began to vibrate, and then spider cracks began to appear.

Obviously, Ze Can's angry punch has already reached the critical point of the real world!

As a member of the organization, how did Zecan feel being so underestimated and so stressed?

The opponent is only the cultivation base of the Huayu Realm, but with a certain bloodline memory, it can spur such power and force him to be so angry. How can he be willing?

And the punch he just hit, it can be said that it has exceeded the level of heaven-level spiritualism.

Therefore, with the pressure in the real realm, coupled with the power of Xiao Yu's three strikes at the same time, Ze Can was finally angered.

"Boom boom boom!"

A deafening sound erupted in the sky, and an astonishing wave swept thousands of meters.

Numerous cracks began to appear in the entire Scarlet True Realm space, and the space around the True Realm was spread and twisted.

"It's terrifying! It's terrifying!!"


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