Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4960: Three punches defeated Zecan

The people below, even if they were far away, were more than a few thousand meters away, but they couldn't help but marvel at the vision in the sky.

Although at this distance, the attack is far from reaching them.

But they still couldn't help but imagine, what would happen if it were in a more open place, with higher plane laws and a more powerful continental space?

Will there be no grass in a radius of a hundred miles?

The vibration in the sky finally began to dissipate, and four figures in the Scarlet Realm appeared.

However, Zecan was in a panic, with disheveled hair, his breath floating, and his eyes filled with fright and anger.

However, Xiao Yu and the two clones stared coldly.

"Boy, you really annoyed me!!" Ze Can said in a deep voice, killing intent like a wave, madly rising into the sky.


In the true realm, the space actually began to twist, and countless cracks began to spread.

The expression in Xiao Yu's eyes became serious. Ze Can is worthy of being a powerhouse in the spirit realm. He knew that his power was limited to the realm of hidden Taoism, and now he tried to break through Xiao Yu's real realm. !

The eyes of Xiao Yu of Aoki Saint Body flashed, and he shouted sharply, "Stop him!"

After all, the green light of the Aoki Saint Body skyrocketed, and the Linglong Sword cut out with one sword, and even the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers could be split.


A **** scratch was cut out in the **** realm. Zecan's eyes were cold, and he suddenly moved up with one hand. With a "bang", the colored glass sword seemed to be cut on the iron wall and the copper wall. There was a crisp sound.

Ze Can's eyes were furious, his arm flashed, and the glass sword finally shattered.

Physical resistance to weapons!

You know, the state of the colored glaze sword has surpassed the average high-grade spirit treasure, and even reached the terrifying power of the low-grade magic weapon!

How terrifying is Zecan's body?

However, after Ze Can received the blow empty-handed, his entire arm was in a state of numbness.

After all, being constrained by the real domain, he couldn't exert a complete defense force at all.

Xiao Yu's face of Aoki Saint Body moved slightly.

"What a strong body!" Xiao Yu on the right took a deep breath, "I don't believe it!"

The power of the purple-black Buddha was taken back by Xiao Yu, and the power of the golden martial arts surged out like a raging wave.

"Hunyuan·San Mingquan!"

The sixty-seven heart veins are opened together. This power can only compete with the powerful in the Yuanpa realm. Because of the awakening of the blood line memory power in the ontological consciousness, this fist style is also comparable to the Tibetan way The power of a punch at the peak of the domain.


The three fist poses were like three muffled thunders exploding at the same time, and they blasted towards Zecan back and forth in an extremely brutal posture.

Ze Canyinya bit angrily, and at the same time he struck out with three punches.

His three punches were simply incomparable compared to the three punches in Wu Mingdian.

In an instant, three earth-shattering explosions spread out. Among Xiao Yu's three fist styles, the first one broke Zecan's three fists.

Ze Can reacted to the second punch, and his palms slammed into a wave-like offensive. When he was barely able to move forward, his figure had been forced back hundreds of meters.

At this time, the last punch came quietly, Zecan's pupils shrank, and the fist style was like a giant fist of King Kong, knocking Zecan out of the air for thousands of meters.


Ze Can spouted out blood, dyeing his whole body red.

Injured Zecan seriously!

"He lost!" Duan Mu Shilan's pretty face was overjoyed.

The invincible plane hunter was finally defeated.

The main body Xiao Yu stepped forward, his eyes cold, like mountains and rivers.

"Come again!"


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