Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4962: Blast the flesh

The whole world instantly turned into a world like a sea of ​​blood.

In an instant, together with the real realm, it was instantly covered by the power of the monstrous **** pattern.

Ze Can finally felt a panic, he roared: "You can't kill me!"

Ze Can's energy also burst out suddenly, despite the existence of the constraints of the real domain, he still released the most powerful blow in his body and began to send it out frantically.


When the ghost opened its eyes, the whole world seemed to be trapped in a sort of Shura world.

There is only one sound in the world that is so deafening that the soul is blank.

Everyone seemed to not feel the existence of their soul.

Ze Can’s offensive was devastated by the power of Shura, and the oppression that ruined the world was enveloped in an instant, as if the sky was about to hang upside down, and the earth was about to shatter. It fell down.


Suddenly a huge hole of several hundred meters appeared on the ground, and the stump of Zecan's broken arm was scattered all over the ground.

I don't know how long it took, the whole world finally recovered a calm color.

The real domain disappeared, and the power of Shura in his body Xiao Yu also disappeared, the **** pattern disappeared, and even the power of bloodline memory disappeared.

Three identical Xiao Yu slowly landed from the sky, beside the giant pit, staring at the broken arm in the giant pit.

Opening the eyes of the ghost is really too cruel, with the power of the gods gathered in the whole body, mixed with some kind of deadly power that destroys the world.

That was Xiao Yu's most angry blow, and it was also the strongest blow Xiao Yu could strike with the anger that gathered all over his body.

Ze Can's head was blown abruptly, and there was no complete body part.

Xiao Yu's eyes flickered, and there was an unspeakable feeling in his heart.

If it were before, how could he imagine that he could actually blow up a powerhouse in the Soul Realm.

Although, he also used a lot of strength to push Zecan to this point.

But those powers are also his own power!


In the distance, everyone in the Duanmu family saw a huge pit in the distance appeared, and they couldn't help being moved.

The hanging heart of Mu Shilan was finally let go, and Luo Feng was also full of surprises.

On the contrary, it was on the Mu Family's side, all sides were like ashes, and Mu Tianhong was even more silent.

Even a strong man in the spirit realm does not have any chance of victory in front of this young man?

How terrible this kid is!

But at this moment, Xiao Yu originally breathed a sigh of relief, and when he was about to put away the two clones, suddenly, the stump of Ze Can's severed arm inside the giant pit shook slightly.

Xiao Yu's mind was shocked, and his pupils shrank slightly.

I saw it in mid-air, as if a little milky white light had converged from all directions, and these light points then formed a milky white figure.

The whole audience was shocked when they saw this scene.

"What's that?" Someone exclaimed and pointed to the sky.

I saw that Zecan's scattered corpses began to converge toward the middle.

Those flesh fragments began to combine into the milky white figure one after another.

"Then could it be... Soul!?" Duan Muting's pupils shrank, and suddenly he exclaimed.

In a short while, all physical bodies were fully completed, and then Zecan appeared!

Seeing this scene, the three Xiao Yu's faces suddenly sank, their faces as gray as death.

He thought of a sentence, immortality means immortality!


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