Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4963: Physical reorganization

Soul and soul is a state condensed by reaching a certain level of understanding of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth after the realm has reached a certain level.

The spirit is in the body of the flesh and is separate from the soul, but the entire soul, the flesh, is protected by the spirit.

Of course, ordinary spiritual power cultivators are not soul cultivators, so their souls are not awakened. Under normal circumstances, what the spirits must protect is the physical body.

The cultivation base in the spirit realm, as long as the physical body is damaged, it can be cured by magical medicine.

Even the living dead and the bones can do it.

But the power of the Soul Realm is completely different.

The spirit is immortal, and the flesh is immortal!

This is the horror of the powerhouse of the Soul Realm!

It is simply impossible for a person in the spirit realm to kill a strong person in the spirit realm.

Because they don't have a spirit of their own, and they don't have the kind of power to kill the spirit of heaven and earth.

Because ordinary heaven and earth spiritual power, or some heaven and earth power, can no longer destroy the spirit.

But it was seen that the sky full of invisible energy gathered from all directions, like a hurricane, into Zecan's body.

Just now Zecan used the spirit to reorganize his body, and now Zecan uses the power of heaven and earth to restore his power to its peak!

As Ze Can said, as long as the world does not dry up and his spirit is immortal, he will never die.

This just confirms this sentence.

Xiao Yu was a strong man against the God of War Realm for the first time, but how he would have thought that Ze Can's ability had reached such a level.

Or to put it this way, the ability of the power of the Soul Realm far exceeds Xiao Yu's cognition.


A loud laughter resounded throughout the sky.

Ze Can's eyes were as close as he did at the beginning, and he disdainfully said: "Son of Shura, you think you can kill me with all your strength, but you don't know what power is!!"

"Even if I stand and be killed by you a hundred times, a thousand times, you will never really kill me!! This is the gap between you and me, this is absolute power!!"

Hearing this, Duanmu's family and Luo Feng sank again.

Is the powerhouse of the Soul Realm really so terrifying?

Yes, the powerhouse of the Soul Realm is so terrifying.

Even if Xiao Yu urged the memory of bloodline, tried his best to urge the Shura tactics, and even had the blessing of the power of the gods, his power was only reaching the peak of the Taoist domain.

And the soul realm is more powerful than the realm of the Tibetan Dao. I don’t know how many great realms there are.

Had it not been for Ze Can to be oppressed by law in this world, he would never have been fighting Xiao Yu for this long time.

In other words, the earth-shattering battle between Ze Can and Xiao Yu just now was to some extent just playing Xiao Yu.

Mu Tianhong's eyes renewed a kind of excitement.

Zecan's "resurrection" means that the young man has no chance!

Seeing three silent Xiao Yu, Ze Can sneered: "How many times can you use those powers? Once? Twice? Or zero?"

Xiao Yu is not big, but Luo Feng, Duan Mu Shilan, Duan Mu Ting and the others are even more desperate.

"In that case, go and die!"

After all, Ze Can is a powerhouse of the Soul Realm. Although he is physically immortal, how could he have forgotten the humiliation that Xiao Yu had to him just now.

He struck out with two punches in the volley. Although Xiao Yu's two clones were beaten and flew hundreds of meters away, they spurted blood and suffered serious injuries. They immediately disappeared by themselves.

Immediately afterwards, Ze Can's eyes rose with killing intent, and he punched out.

His punch contains an endless power of law in it.


The space around Xiao Yu began to shatter, and together with Xiao Yu's figure, it seemed to be half frozen, and he couldn't move at all.

For a moment, Xiao Yu suddenly felt as if he had fallen into the abyss, that kind of despair and helplessness made his head go blank.

Am I going to die like this?

Ze Can punched out, a simple fist style, but it contained daily killing intent.

Luo Feng and others have closed their eyes completely.

With this fist, Xiao Yu was destined to lose his soul.

But at this moment, there was a "rumbling" in the sky, and suddenly a giant palm volleyed towards Ze Can.



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