Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4967: Save some interest

Anyone who can become a hunter of the plane is the first-class powerhouse in the family or power.

Their most basic entry realm is the spirit realm.

Although Ze Can started late, his strength should not be underestimated.

His eyes are like bright stars, glowing with a light like a bright moon.

With him as the center, the space within a kilometer radius was shaking violently.


The spatial oppression exerted by Rhubarb was immediately destroyed by Zecan.

Perhaps he knew this a long time ago. Rhubarb was not surprised, but rather calm.

Ze Can looked at Xiao Yu again with uncertainty.

He knew very well in his heart that as soon as this person appeared, he was temporarily unable to obtain Xiao Yu.

This plane is not suitable for combat at all.

Because in the Nine Heavens World, the Coffin Continent is too inferior. Although it can be ranked at the middle level in the Seventy-two Great Heavens World, it is necessary to go to a higher plane to truly withstand the offensive of the powerhouse of the Soul Realm, otherwise , His strength cannot be fully released.

One more thing, the two suddenly appeared, the aura is extremely vague, he can't guess the identity of each other at all.

Rather than being unable to do anything with each other, it would be better to retreat now.

At least, the son of Shura they were looking for appeared in this place, and it was simply too easy to find in the future.

Ze Can stared at Xiao Yu with a sneer, and said, "Son of Shura, you really surprised me, and I finally understand why you can come here from a lower level."

Duanmu Shilan and others couldn't help being moved when they heard this.

Coming from a lower level?

What a strong will, strength, opportunity, etc., is needed to break through the boundaries of the plane and reach the higher plane!

The Thirty-Six Xiaotian World has always been regarded as a place where low-level humans stay, even if there is a chance, they will never step into it.

After all, in their opinion, on the one hand, they have to be oppressed by the law, and their strength cannot be used. On the other hand, the thirty-six small world was originally a long time ago. In order to prevent the situation where the heroes of the barren ancient continent were fighting together, a certain powerful person destroyed that A piece of land, which turned into thirty-six fragments.

Therefore, the lower planes seemed to them to be remote places with exhausted spiritual power.

Who would have thought that Xiao Yu had come up from there.

Of course, the only people present were Luo Feng and Mu Zi'an who had heard of these five major temples, and none of the others knew it.

Xiao Yu remained silent, staring at Ze Can.

He knew very well in his heart that even the power of the gods had been mobilized, but he still couldn't kill Zecan. It was enough to imagine that the spirit realm was simply out of reach for him now.

Not to mention killing, it is contact, I am afraid it is also very difficult.

Ze Can sneered and said, "However, since I know your whereabouts, then your life is not yours."

Having said that, Ze Can laughed wildly three times, and his figure was also suspended.


"Boy, I am honored to be able to fight with you today. In the future, I will personally take your life and give the world's major giants an explanation! Unless you hide forever!

After all, Zecan turned around to spread the space.

But at this moment, Da Huang suddenly said calmly: "Come as you say, leave as you say? Leave some interest!"

As soon as the voice fell, the rhubarb slapped Zecan's palm towards the void.


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