Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4968: Kill Mu Tianhong

When Ze Can was about to leave, Da Huang's words suddenly rang.

Suddenly, Ze Can felt that an extremely terrifying sharp aura came from the space, and this sharp aura seemed to be able to completely tear himself apart.

"how is this possible!?"

How could he imagine that when he was leaving, he would still be attacked by that person!

What Ze Can can deeply feel is that the power of the law of space around him can't be displayed at all, because it seems to have become a state of solidification and void.

He knew very well in his heart that this was because the rhubarb was using a certain space secret technique to seal the space around him!

Ze Can was furious. He roared in his heart. The power in his body was madly transported out. His pupils glowed with an amazing divine light, which was like a sacred power. With.

Ze Can once again urged his spirit power!


He opened the constraints of the surrounding space, and immediately broke through the void and escaped, but how could Rhubarb let him go.

The scratch of the void instantly turned into three cracks, tearing it towards Zecan out of thin air.

At the last moment, Zecan's spirit power lingered on his body surface, turning into the power of body protection like a god.


But how terrifying is the full blow of Rhubarb, Zecan's body protection power was suddenly blown, and the three sharp claws directly tore Zecan's chest, deeply penetrated.

The pale color of Zecan's face, and the sharp claws of Rhubarb just now, were completely condensed from the power of space, which was far beyond the laws of space he had understood.

It was the local spirit power that could not stop it.

This time, Ze Can was really seriously injured.

He roared sharply, the light flashed, and he stepped into the void, and the heart-piercing voice echoed throughout the sky.

"When he gets better, I will kill you!!"

Ze Can disappeared, and the coffin continent also recovered a calm color.

The claw that Rhubarb used just now was not the power of urging the world, but the real law of space, so it didn't cause the space to crack.

But as soon as Rhubarb relaxed, his brows furrowed slightly, his eyes fluctuated, but his calmness quickly recovered.

And this was captured by Xiao Yu, who knew rhubarb best.

"Rhubarb." Xiao Yu called out softly.

Rhubarb shook his head slightly, while the dragon next to him frowned, as if thinking about something.

"Get out of here first." Rhubarb looked at Mu Family.

At this time, Xiao Yu noticed that he had become the center of the Duanmu family and the Mu family.

Xiao Yu's eyes couldn't help but fell on Mu Tianhong's body.

The latter was stared at, and his whole body was trembling slightly, and then, Mu Tianhong turned around like a ghost and fled.

Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, his exquisite sword suddenly condensed, and he swung it out.

Although Mu Tianhong was in the realm of Tibetan Dao, he had been seriously injured and he had no hole cards at all.

The complexion of Duanmuting, Duanmusong and others changed drastically.

"Do not……"

But it was too late, Mu Tianhong was cut into two sides by the Liuli Sword.

The Patriarch of the Mu Family, who was also the number one powerhouse in the Coffin Continent, fell in a pool of blood in front of all the Mu Family members.

Since then, the last pillar of the Mu family is also broken.

At this moment, Xiao Yu's eyes were staring at Mu Teng.

Mu Teng is a pure alchemist, he has no cultivation base, and Xiao Yu's battle in the whole field, he has seen in his eyes.

Seeing Xiao Yu, the murderous god, watching him, Mu Teng's expression shook no matter how firm he was.

There was a bad feeling in his heart that what he had expected before seemed to happen.

And Mu Zi'an stared at Xiao Yu with complicated and indifferent eyes, and then slowly withdrew from the crowd.

In this way, the dispute on the Coffin Mainland finally ended after Mu Tianhong was killed.


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