Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4969: The truth about burning fire (part 1)

This annual sacrificial meeting was actually the purpose of the Mu family to attack the Duanmu family in order to obtain the Yin Vein.

But Mu Tianhong, Duan Mu Song and others are already dead, the Mu family has no leader, and Xiao Yu's power has shocked them. Wherever they dare to resist, they all "take refuge" in the Duan Mu family and change their surnames.

In fact, to say that he is surrendering to the Mu family is actually just acknowledging his ancestors and returning to the clan.

Their ancestors have always been members of the Duanmu family, and now they just re-enter the Duanmu family.

Although many people were still not convinced, they had to bow their heads because of Xiao Yu's terrifying power.

In three days, the Duanmu family retrieved the Yang Veins from Liuquan Valley, and Shenmu Valley was reborn with a different kind of vitality.

Few people in the Duanmu family knew about the yin and yang veins, and it was only after the yin and yang veins were reunited for thousands of years that they finally realized it.

Especially the Duanmu family of Bai Yueling, who bowed down to Xiao Yu, but was rejected by Xiao Yu.

After this incident, and under Xiao Yu's suggestion, Duanmuting and Duanmusong and others also knew that their approach of adhering to the ancestors in one place was not the best choice.

Therefore, the Duanmu family has gradually begun to strengthen the cohesion of the family. When it is time to be tough, it will be tough, and when it is unanimous, it will unite as one and focus on cultivating the young children of the family.

In this way, the control of the Coffin Continent fell into Duanmu's house.

However, many big clans and big influences are taking advantage of the vacancy, and seem to want to share a piece of the fertile soil of the Coffin Continent.

After all, you have to know that most of the land in the Coffin Continent was controlled by the Mu family, and the coffin Continent has outstanding people and treasures. Who doesn't want to occupy this one-third of the acre.

If it hadn't been for Xiao Yu's abnormality, I'm afraid they would have been fighting for fame and spear, and they wouldn't be so sneaky and small as they are now.

However, Xiao Yu didn't even bother with these little troubles.

If a family wants to rule a place, it will definitely be squeezed out, suppressed, and even shed blood by hostile forces.

Now that the Duanmu family and the Mu family are combined into one, they will naturally be subject to the joint resistance and eye-catching eyes of many second- and third-rate forces. This is the time to test them.

If they can carry it over, they will definitely strengthen their family's power in the future.

And if the resistance cannot pass, then Xiao Yu won't pay any more attention, because such a family is not qualified to be the first family in the Coffin Continent.

At this time in the hall of Duanmu's house, Xiao Yu, Luo Feng, Duan Mu Shilan, Duan Mu Ting, and Duan Mu Song were also there. Of course, there was another person, Mu Teng.

As for Rhubarb and Xiaolong, they were in other rooms, and Xiao Yu didn't bother them for the time being.

Because the things here are my own business.

As early as when the Mu family returned, Xiao Yu asked people to imprison Mu Teng.

This first alchemist, even if the Mu family returned to the Duanmu family, he was still very proud, with an indifferent expression in his eyes.

It seems to him that he is just an alchemist, and these family disputes have nothing to do with him.

In addition, in the past Mu family, Mu Teng's status was to some extent higher than Mu Tianhong.

Just because Mu Teng is a Celestial Spirit alchemist, he knows many forces, and he has cultivated countless disciples.

Even if Duan Muting is the master, he is courteous to Mu Teng.

And Xiao Yu's complexion improved a lot after these few days of cultivation.

After all, one of his clones is the Greenwood Saint Body, so the power of recovery is much faster than the previous innate life spirit body.

"Boy, you let them watch me all the time, do you want to burn the fire?"

Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes, this guy really knew the whereabouts of Fen Huo!


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