Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4971: I have a way

When Peach Lotus Core left, she once told herself how to obtain that part of the burning fire.

Now that Xiao Yu knew where Burning Huo was, he certainly needed to find it.

Mu Teng stared at Xiao Yu, and sneered: "Boy, you have to be clear, I was only tainted with a trace of burning fire, and my soul was tempered, and then after so many years of cultivation did I have my current cultivation level, and I was also After Tianda's luck, did you know that Mu Tianhong also asked me to take him there?"

Xiao Yu frowned, and everyone was very surprised. It turned out that Mu Tianhong also knew this secret?

"Do you know how it turned out?" Mu Teng stared at Xiao Yu and asked again.

Xiao Yu kept silent, staring at Mu Teng.

"Mu Tianhong was close to the periphery of Burning Fire for 500 meters, and he couldn't stand it anymore. For this, he spent a year to restore his cultivation base. At that time, he was still in the Yuan Soul Realm."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present took a breath.

The legend of Burning Fire, none of them is unaware.

But listening to what Mu Teng said now, this burning fire is simply too scary, right?

Even the Yuan soul realm, close to 500 meters will be severely injured!

How do they know that even if Mu Teng thinks back now, after so many years, he still has lingering fears.

And even if he was given one more chance, he wouldn't dare to step inside again anyway.

"Brother Yu, want me to say, let's go back to the college first, and then think of a solution." Luo Feng quickly persuaded.

He knew how long Xiao Yu had worked hard in the Coffin Continent, and he also knew that Xiao Yu was determined to win the Burning Fire.

But when Luo Feng heard it in this way, he already knew that this level of danger was even more dangerous than Xiao Yu's battle against Mu Tianhong, and the plane hunters!

In all likelihood, there will be no return!

Duan Mu Shilan also worried: "Xiao Yu, it's too dangerous there, and it's not suitable for you to take risks after recovering from the war."

"Yes, little brother, if we don't heal here for a period of time, we will send someone to take a look first, and then make a long-term plan." Duan Muting also persuaded.

How terrifying is that even Mu Tianhong can't get close to the powerful Yuan soul realm?

Moreover, the legend of burning fire is one of the most dangerous and mysterious flames in the world. Even though it is a "divine object", it is not accessible to ordinary people.

There are too many rumors in the Nine Heavens World. As soon as the burning fire came out, many people rushed to obtain this kind of heaven and earth wonders, but there is no life to go back to that kind.

Who knows, Xiao Yu said indifferently, "That's Mu Tianhong, not me, I can do it."

Mu Teng sneered and didn't answer.

If he hadn't had the luck of dog feces and obtained this opportunity, he would not have reached a height that countless alchemists could not reach in a short time.

But he is just a touch.

Even the Yuan Soul Realm really wants to probe back empty-handed, what's more, there is only a kid from the Huayu Realm?

Everyone knew that Xiao Yu could not persuade, but they didn't say anything anymore.

How did they know that this burning consciousness, the core of the peach lotus, had already told them how to obtain it.

Although it is still a bit dangerous, isn't it because of this burning fire that he has gone through so many difficulties?

At this point, how could he give up.

Soon, under Xiao Yu's orders, Mu Teng was still imprisoned, and Mu Teng was naturally unable to resist.

After all, when Mu Tianhong, Mu Bai and others were there, Mu Teng had them backing.

Now the Mu family is part of the Duanmu family. There is no confidence in Mu Teng, at best, he is just a pure alchemist, and he can kill him anytime.

That night, Xiao Yu went to the courtyard where Rhubarb was resting.

Because Rhubarb has not been out in the past few days.

Xiaolong was still guarding at the door, and Xiao Yu asked, "How is the rhubarb?"

Xiaolong's brows were slightly solemn, and he shook his head.


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