Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4972: Old friends get together

Xiao Yu pushed the door and entered, only to see a middle-aged man sitting cross-legged on the boat with a little blue light shining around.

The middle-aged man has a mighty figure, even with his eyes closed, he can see the supreme countenance on his face.

The blue spiritual power is a unique symbol of the Sirius tribe. Xiao Yu once saw that when the rhubarb appeared on the body, the whole body was blue and white hair, mighty and unyielding, and looked down upon half of the world.

When he was in the lower planes, the leaders of the ten directions all called Rhubarb his senior.

And judging from the battle against Zecan, Rhubarb's invisibly revealing a genius and scornful attitude, it can be seen that Rhubarb's identity and status are absolutely extraordinary.

I just don't know why, seeing Rhubarb again, Xiao Yu was just the first short-term happiness, and later he was not happy.

Invisible, it gave him a feeling that Rhubarb did not come back with a relaxed mood this time, but was under pressure on him.

He could feel it in Xiao Yu's eyes looking at Rhubarb after the war.

He is too aware of the temperament of Rhubarb. Although this person ignores everything and possesses monstrous power, he is not able to understand what he is carrying.

After a while, the middle-aged man opened his eyes. He smiled slightly and looked at Xiao Yu's contemplative look at him. He couldn't help but smile: "Why, how long hasn't you seen me? You don't know me?"

After all, Xiao Yu and Rhubarb have not seen each other for two or three years. Although they still have that indifferent and lazy atmosphere, Xiao Yu always feels that seeing each other again is not the same as before.

But in any case, goodbye to an acquaintance, or even a partner who is closer than one's own relatives, is there any reason to hold a face?

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "No, I thought you wouldn't be back. You gave me such a big surprise as soon as you came back. I seem to remember that it was the first time that you took a human form in front of me."

Rhubarb glanced at Xiao Yu faintly, and said, "No way, I'm afraid I will scare you to death when I transform into a human form at a lower plane. You know, people at a lower plane have limited capacity."

Xiao Yu laughed blankly and said, "Aren't you just looking down on me."

However, Xiao Yu also recalled that the monster beasts of the lower planes did not transform into a human form. Those who could transform into a human form were all in the world!

Just look at the existence of the fourteenth in the Dark Earth Dragon and other places to be able to transform the human form, such as the existence of the Snow White Ape, it is impossible to transform the human form at all.

But this is enough to show that the Sirius tribe is definitely the monster beast of the sky list, and the ranking is not low.

Rhubarb seemed to see Xiao Yu's thoughts, and said: "Don't guess wildly, our Sirius clan is not in the world rankings."

Xiao Yu was shocked as soon as he said this.

He recalled how Zecan was surprised when he knew the identity of Rhubarb.

Rhubarb must be very strong, but is it not on the list of heaven and earth?

What is the reason?

Xiao Yu looked at Rhubarb, but the latter said as always: "You should know, I won't tell you what you shouldn't know before then."

Xiao Yu rolled his eyes, this rhubarb's temperament really hasn't changed at all!

But he also knows that from a certain angle, rhubarb is also for his own good.

Xiao Yu thought for a while, and finally asked, "You come back this time... and you will leave soon."


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