Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4984: Tao Qing

The appearance of the core of Peach Lotus makes her whole person seem to have a gentle and non-existent aura in it.

Taolian Zhixin couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yu more, and said, "I didn't expect that you succeeded."

Xiao Yu shrugged and said jokingly: "You have set up the game for so many years, isn't it just to find a destined person? It is possible that this destined person will not find one for thousands of years."

The core of Taolian said nothing, but it was silent.

Indeed, from the lower level to the flame to the lower plane, from a tribe to a region, then three clues must be gathered to complete a real picture.

And the route of this drawing is still on the higher plane.

Just imagine, what kind of fate is necessary for this, what a powerful combination of opportunity, perseverance, belief, and talent to be able to do what it is now?

If Xiao Yu didn't happen to be the son of Shura, and his goal was a higher plane, if he hadn't come to that auction, how could everything happen later?

And even if there is another person who has experienced these things, he may not be able to get to this point!

However, what Taolian Core wants to say is that the coincidence of the incident is just a coincidence as simple as that?

Perhaps it is destined in the future.

Taolian Zhixin said: "Although this part of my flame is not my body, it is enough for you to refine the Heavenly Spirit Pill, but if you want a complete me, it is not impossible."

Speaking of this, the two families of Taolian Zhixin were slightly red. Although she appeared in consciousness at this time and her figure was a bit illusory, Xiao Yu still saw the redness of her cheeks.

Xiao Yu was startled, a little embarrassed, and murmured: "Want to be a complete me? How does it feel..."

Peach Lotus Core Xing's eyes glared, and an astonishing peach-white flame burned out of his body.

Xiao Yu was taken aback, and quickly backed away. He actually felt that this kind of flame could burn himself.

This is just the consciousness!

Peach Lotus Core snorted coldly, and said: "My consciousness came out because my sister was refined, but I also have some power. I want to burn you, the late stage of Transforming Feather Realm, but it's just a flip. "

Xiao Yu calmed down, spread his hands, and said, "Really? I don't believe it."

"Huh?" Taolian Core's eyes narrowed.

Xiao Yu said indifferently: "Don't forget that I also have a part of your flame genus on my body. It is not easy for ordinary gunpowder to burn me to death. Moreover, if you dare to come, then it is equivalent to setting fire to your body, and you will also be injured."

Taolian Zhixin stared at Xiao Yu calmly for a long time, and sighed inwardly, this son's heart is really as stable as Mount Tai, calm as water.

The Taolian core dissipated the flame, and said: "Well, tell you something serious. If you want to improve your alchemy and achieve the equilibrium state I said, you must know me."

Xiao Yu's eyes flickered, and said, "Moreover, he has to refine a **** pill that can break through the mortal body and become holy!"

Taolian's beautiful eyes flickered, and said, "I didn't expect you to know it."

Mu Yin, the first alchemist in Qingmu Town, told him that the soul broke through the mortal womb, that is, the soul stepped into the gods.

"Very well, in that case, when your strength reaches a certain level, you can come here to find me."

After all, the core of Taolian shot a ray of light into Xiao Yu's mind.

Xiao Yu suddenly narrowed his eyes, nodded slightly, and then he smiled: "You told me where you are so soon, so quickly you recognize me? I know that Fenhuo recognizes the Lord."

Taolian Zhixin glanced at Xiao Yu deeply, did not answer him, but said: "Okay, I should leave."

The core of Taolian is still very cold. Before her figure dissipated, she suddenly said: "The core of Taolian is the beginning of the world. My sister and I were born. My name is Taoqing. "

After that, Tao Qing left.

What Xiao Yu didn't know was that at the moment Tao Qing's consciousness dissipated, Tao Qing said in a voice that only he could hear——

"Actually, I already recognized you..."

After Tao Qing left, Xiao Yu secretly said, "It's time to go back to the college."

Then he narrowed his eyes and murmured: "However, we must first solve a scourge."


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