Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4985: Secrets of Shenhundao (Part 1)

At this time Mu Teng was waiting in the ruined hall, waiting for the news that Xiao Yu was killed.

"I don't know if that senior killed this kid?" Mu Teng thought to himself.

But after a while, an interesting voice just remembered--

"Who to kill?"

I don't know when, Xiao Yu walked towards Mu Teng with a smile, Mu Teng was so frightened, he just sat on the ground.

"" Mu Teng was so scared that he couldn't speak.

How he didn't know, Xiao Yu came out, that is to say, his support, the core of Taolian was killed!

how could it be possible!

In other words, this young man actually tame the burning fire! ?

Thinking of this, Mu Teng felt a little weird, and shuddered even more.

But now he doesn't even have the courage to escape, because he can't escape at all.

"Why, aren't you very good at running? You won't run anymore?" Xiao Yu said lightly.

Mu Teng pressed his calmness in his heart, gritted his teeth and said: "Boy, don't mess around, I know a lot..."


How could Xiao Yu listen to his nonsense, he pinched his fingers into a knife, a sword aura flew out directly, and cut off Mu Teng's ear.

Mu Teng was in pain, his face was pale, he was covering his ears, and his figure receded one after another.

Xiao Yu said indifferently: "I originally planned that after you took me in, I could let you go, or you could become the chief alchemist of the Duanmu family, but it's a pity that you have a ghost in your heart, so you don't want to take the opportunity."

Mu Teng regretted that his intestines were all green. In the face of death, his desire to survive was extremely strong.

"Young man, I can give you a pill, seven-pattern ground pill, eight-pattern ground pill, or even nine-pattern ground pill, sky pill! As long as you don't kill me!"

Xiao Yu could feel that Mu Teng's soul realm was just at the level of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, that is to say, he could refine one ground spirit pill or two ground spirit pills at most.

However, this kind of alchemy realm is already very powerful in this part of the Coffin Continent.

And if there is no chance for the core of the peach lotus, I am afraid that Mu Teng will only stay in the human spirit for his entire life.

Of course, the upper limit of wood cane is limited to this.

Xiao Yu nodded and said, "This is a good condition, I will accept it."

Mu Teng breathed a sigh of relief and sneered in contempt.

He knew too well that for a kid in the Huayu realm, a spirit pill above the seven-patterned earth spirit pill was simply a great temptation, and no one could bear it.

After all, that is to swallow one pill, which is enough to raise a level realm!

However, Xiao Yu said indifferently, "But I have other conditions."

Mu Teng's expression changed drastically, and Xiao Yu continued: "Since you are a soul cultivator and an alchemist, you must also know something about soul cultivators."

Mu Teng's heart is strange, what is this kid asking for?

Soul cultivators are a large group in the world of Nine Heavens, and they are distinguished from ordinary cultivators.

Relatively speaking, their status is lofty, especially for soul cultivators in the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

Like Mu Teng, those who go to some powerful higher planes will be recruited by some big families.

Hearing this, Mu Teng proudly said: "That is, the old man can be regarded as a little famous in the world of nine days."

Xiao Yu was calm in his heart, and asked in his mouth: "I want to ask you, do you know that there is a cultivation method called Divine Soul Dao."

But who knows, after Mu Teng listened, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"How do you know this family!!"



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