Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4986: Secrets of Shenhundao (Part 2)

Shenhundao was the method of Dahuang's own soul cultivation at the beginning.

At that time, Rhubarb also said that it was obtained by accident, and it was only one-third.

According to Rhubarb, there are two parts to the Soul Road, and the lower part is the remaining two thirds.

This is why Xiao Yu's soul realm temporarily stayed in the earth spirit realm.

In fact, Xiao Yu also thought about whether to practice other soul techniques and then raise his soul realm.

This is not impossible.

As far as he knows, it is feasible to specialize in other cultivation methods halfway, but there are two disadvantages.

Once the two cultivation methods are not well integrated, it will take a long time to adapt.

On the other hand, there are also levels of cultivation methods.

The soul power given to Xiao Yu by the Divine Soul Dao not only on the lower planes, but also on the higher planes, there is no existence comparable to Xiao Yu at the same level.

Whether it is the purity of the power of the soul, or the development of the chaos-like space within the soul, Xiao Yu is at the same level, even in the leapfrog.

Especially, since contacting so many soul cultivators, this has let Xiao Yu know the special features of the Soul Dao.

Divine Soul Dao is definitely a very high-level soul cultivation method!

Therefore, he didn't want to find other cultivation methods.

Or to put it this way, the soul cultivation method left in Mo Suhe's soul is not as profound as the Divine Soul Dao!

Who knows, Mu Teng said that Shenhundao is actually related to a family?

Mu Teng stared at Xiao Yu, and exclaimed, "Could it be that you have not cultivated the Soul Dao?"

Xiao Yu did not answer, but chose to be silent.

Mu Teng's pupils shrank, and his eyes began to flicker with a strange light, and said: "Soul Soul Dao is said to be a power that suddenly emerged tens of thousands of years ago. All of this family power are soul practitioners, but they are not alchemy. The teacher is not a refiner, let alone an array mage."

It was Xiao Yu's turn to be surprised. Aren't soul cultivators basically the three major professions?

Are there other professions?

But then he said: "Could it be some minor secondary occupation?"

The world of Nine Heavens is very huge, and extremely small professions such as puppet masters and beast trainers are actually soul cultivators, and it can even be said that they are derived from the formation masters.

But these niche professions are almost never divided into a large category.

Mu Teng took a deep breath and said, "No, they are pure soul cultivators. Nine Heavens World gave them another name, Soul Master."

Soul master? !

This was the first time Xiao Yu heard of this kind of profession, but he knew it for a pure soul cultivator.

When I was in the lower planes, I used the power of pure soul to kill people. Thinking about it this way, could it be the reason for Shenhundao?

"But I have also encountered some formation wizards, and their soul power can also be used to attack." Xiao Yu was puzzled.

Mu Teng sneered and said: "That is just a method of cultivating the skin of certain Divine Soul Dao family forces, or some soul cultivators have realized this ability by chance, but they will never be able to come into contact with Divine Soul Dao. The essence."

Xiao Yu nodded suddenly.

After all, a lot of things in the world are going to the same destination quickly. Some people have strange talents, extraordinary comprehension abilities, and self-learning without a teacher, so a slight similarity is normal.

Of course, if you want to truly enter the room without inheritance and orthodox teaching, it is impossible.

"You've said so much, what about the family power of Soul Divine Dao now?"

Mu Teng stared at Xiao Yu and said, "It's already perished."


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