Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4987: Clues


Since such a unique family, why would it perish?

Suddenly, Xiao Yu seemed to have thought of something, and Mu Teng said: "The specific reason is not known. All I know is that this power has disappeared for many years. It's just that people think of this legend when they mention Divine Soul Dao. ."

Xiao Yu nodded slightly, and thought to himself: "Could it be that this family of pure soul practitioners is too powerful and suffers the same fate as ours?"

However, Xiao Yu had never really come into contact with this so-called soul master's profession, nor did he know what its true background was.

But judging from the power of the soul cultivation method of Shenhundao, this family is bound to be not simple.

Mu Teng looked at Xiao Yu's contemplative manner, his eyes looked startled and uncertain, and he thought to himself: "Is it a pure soul cultivator now?"

Array mage, alchemist, and refiner are not pure-soul cultivators, but pure-soul cultivators can also be array mage, alchemist, or refiner.

Because from the historical source, the three sub-professions of Array Master, Alchemist, and Refiner are actually derived from pure soul practitioners.

Xiao Yu then asked: "Then do you know where there will be information about this force."

If you want to obtain the lower half of the Divine Soul Dao, you must know where the Divine Soul Dao is located, and then look for it, otherwise Xiao Yu will never be able to continue to cultivate the soul.

Mu Teng's eyes flashed with a look of surprise, is this kid really cultivating Soul Dao! ?

Mu Teng's eyes flickered, but he still shook his head.

Xiao Yu said indifferently: "It seems you want to die."

After all, Xiao Yu's hand was condensed with the green sword aura just now, Mu Teng's expression suddenly changed when he saw this place.

"It's not that I didn't say it, but..."

"Say!" Xiao Yu screamed.

Mu Teng was so scared that his face was pale, and with sweat on his forehead, he said, "As I said just now, Shenhundao are all spring soul cultivators, that is, soul masters. Therefore, if you want to know Shenhundao, the most The best way is to find a soul master to ask."

Xiao Yu smiled nonchalantly, "You know them."

Mu Teng took a deep breath, nodded, and said: "I know a soul master, but this soul master has a very high status, and is also the worship of that family. It may not be easy to get the news of the soul from his mouth. ."

"Where?" Xiao Yu asked directly.

Then Mu Teng told what he knew.

After Xiao Yu listened, he secretly wrote down in his heart.

"Okay, hand in the spirit pill." Xiao Yu continued directly.

Without saying anything, Mu Teng took out all the precious spirit pills in the space ring.

Seeing the many spirit pills in the jade box, Xiao Yu was so determined that he couldn't help being surprised.

Eight seven-pattern ground spirit pills, five eight-pattern ground spirit pills, four nine-pattern ground spirit pills, three one-pattern heaven spirit pills, and one two-pattern heaven spirit pills!

"Good guy, this guy is like a mobile medicine storehouse!"

What Xiao Yu could feel was that the spirit pills of these ranks, not to mention all top-ranking, were all top-ranking!

"Unexpectedly, you are still a little capable." Xiao Yu looked at Mu Teng lightly.

But I don't know why, Mu Teng's hair started to frighten when he heard Xiao Yu's words.

Only when Xiao Yu's voice changed, he said indifferently, "But you still want to die."

Mu Teng's pupils shrank, and he sternly said: "You untrustworthy guy!!"

"I just stated my conditions, but I didn't say not to kill you. After all, leaving someone like you in the world is also a scourge."

After all, Xiao Yu cut Mu Teng's neck directly.

Killing Mu Teng casually, Xiao Yu's eyes did not fluctuate at all.

"Unexpectedly, when I asked casually, I actually asked about the soul, but I don't know much, and I can't act rashly."

At this moment, Xiao Yu's heart moved, and two figures appeared in front of him. They were the Golden Wing Roc and Qiongqi.

Xiao Yu knew that it was time for them to leave.


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