Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4988: Finally

After chasing away Zecan, Golden Winged Dapeng and Qiongqi had been cultivating all the time and did not appear.

After all, the Golden Wing Roc had regained a new body, and Qiongqi had also swallowed the blood of the Dark Earth Dragon, and the two naturally needed time to recover.

When Xiaolong saw the two, his eyes flickered slightly.

After returning to Xiao Yu's side, Xiaolong also knew everything that Xiao Yu had experienced, and naturally also knew the identities of these two people.

It's just that the fierce aura of Jin Wing Dapeng and Qiong Qi's blood is very strong, giving him a very dangerous feeling.

"This little guy is the monster that signed a soul contract with you." Qiong Qi couldn't help looking at the little dragon on Xiao Yu's shoulder.

Qiongqi and Golden Wing Dapeng naturally knew the power source in Xiao Yu's body, but Xiaolong had been silent all the time, as if there was no sound.

But now that Xiaolong is by Xiao Yu's side, this connection is strengthened, so they guessed that this was the consciousness.

The Golden Wing Roc nodded slightly and said: "The blood is a bit mixed, but it is indeed strange. There is a mutation aura of the dragon clan in it, but it is very weak and weak."

The Golden Winged Roc pointed out the blood of the dragon.

Indeed, the lizards are close relatives of the ancient dragons, but the dragons are indeed a bit special.

Because the little dragon swallowed two monster beasts, one of which was the dragon pivot.

There is indeed dragon blood in the dragon hub. Although it is a distant relative of the dragon, it also makes the dragon blood in the dragon more complicated.

It's as if they are also python-type monsters, but each snake-type monster has a different bloodline.

If the same snake-like monster swallowed several blood of the same kind, then its blood would only be more complex, not purer.

If you want to be more pure, you must swallow the blood of your close relatives, just like swallowing a five-clawed golden dragon, and then two, or even three, five-clawed golden dragons.

As a result, there will be more and more dragon blood in the body, and the more it will inspire purer and more orthodox power.

Immediately afterwards, Jin Wing Dapeng and Qiong Qi looked at Xiao Yu, and their eyes were all complicated.

Xiao Yu smiled slightly, his signature changed, and only a golden light flew from the Seven Star Sword, and then condensed into a strange rune.

This was the contract between the weapon spirit and the weapon. Xiao Yu waved his hand and the rune disappeared.

At the same time, the golden glow on the Golden Wing Roc's body flashed, and then his whole figure seemed to become more condensed, and his aura became deeper, as if some shackles had been broken, his whole body looked very relaxed.

Xiao Yu immediately looked at Qiongqi and said, "I don't have any contract with you, so as long as you release your consciousness from me, you don't need to be parasitic in my body."

Qiong Qi nodded, his mind moved, Xiao Yu felt as if there was something missing in his body.

In this way, all the connections between Xiao Yu, the Golden Winged Roc, and the two monsters Qiongqi were completely dismissed.

"You are leaving now." Xiao Yu smiled slightly.

Even though he was smiling, he couldn't help feeling a little sigh.

He knew that they could not accompany him all his life, and his cultivation path was very long. Xiao Yu knew that some would leave and some would stay.

"We have already negotiated, and it's on this continent," said Qiongqi.

Xiao Yu was a little surprised. Is it on this continent? This was unexpected to him.

However, after thinking about it, Xiao Yu was completely surprised.

The Coffin Continent has very pure energy of wood properties, and is a good place for healing and cultivation.

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "Couldn't you start to provide for the elderly."

The implication is that they are laughing that they are already afraid of this world.

"Huh! Lao Tzu will be afraid? You wait for me. When I return to my peak, I will let those who underestimate me see how Lao Tzu taught them to be human." Qiong Qi snorted.

Xiao Yu laughed, the three chatted for a while, Xiao Yu looked at the sky, and it was time to go back.

"Okay, I should go back."

Xiao Yu didn't want to be so sensational, he said: "You take care, I am ready to leave here."

Suddenly, the Golden Winged Roc stopped Xiao Yu——

"and many more."


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