Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5006: Flag Action

Xiao Yu opened his eyes, and then slowly got up, Tang Ling'er and Luo Feng's eyes glowed with a strange light one after another.

After several hours of fighting, basically the movement on the mountain has quieted down.

In other words, those who are capable have already grabbed the banner.

Those who are ambitious and brave have already challenged.

Incapable, they also know that the challenge is useless at this time, because nothing can be changed.


Xiao Yu said, taking the lead to move towards the tenth banner.

His speed is extremely fast, like a meteor rushing to the moon, and the stone flash technique is still the fastest combination of metallicity and a little space power.

"What the **** is this kid! Still meditating?" Ding Qi was very dissatisfied.

"That's it, so many of us came to see him, this is it?"

Dai Tianchen's eyes were calm, and with his understanding of Xiao Yu, this person would definitely not give up so easily.

But in the past few hours, Xiao Yu's actions really disappointed him slightly.

After all, the most exciting thing about the Flag Snatching Conference was the competition for the top three at the beginning. It is only now at the last moment that those who have already guarded the flag have already fully recovered.

"Want to have a leisurely job? It doesn't make much sense." Dai Tianchen shook his head slightly.

Zuo Xuanxuan's beautiful eyes flickered slightly, and said, "He has acted."

Everyone had lost confidence in Xiao Yu, and suddenly seemed to be attracted by something.

"Huh! Act now, let's get eyeballs."

"It depends on what storm he can make!"

Xiao Yu took the lead and went directly to the tenth banner.

At this time, many injured people were resting on the spot not far away, and under the tenth banner, five people were guarding.

If you look closely, the flag is a green color with a "ten" on it.

"It's Zhao Qing." Luo Feng narrowed his eyes, as if he had seen some prey.

Zhao Qing, the cultivation base of the virtual spirit realm, is the person who set Jingming on their side.

Zhao Qing and others also saw Xiao Yu and the three of them, and suddenly sneered.

"Why, do you still want to challenge us?" One person sneered.

"Not to challenge you, but... to cut you!"

Luo Feng laughed. He was the first to make a move. He Dao realm cultivation base made him show great power. He punched out, and the earth-level spiritual arts burst out with terrifying vigor. He was beaten out.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Feng pulled out the flag directly and laughed: "I will accept it!"

Those who meditated were stunned. What's the situation?

Grab the flag?

Xiao Yu greeted, and the three of them immediately headed up the mountain.

Zhao Qing and the others were completely stunned, what is going on?

This banner was finally grabbed back by them!

But he was defeated with a punch!

He Dao Jing!

"Luo Feng!! You violated the regulations!!" Zhao Qing roared.

Luo Feng's joking voice came from the mountain: "The regulations don't say that the flag cannot be drawn! We are grabbing the flag."


As Luo Feng's laughter came down, Zhao Qing turned blue with anger, spewed out a mouthful of blood, and passed out.

Everyone who saw this scene was completely stunned.

Zuo Xuanxuan's beautiful eyes showed a smile.

"I knew you wouldn't be so ordinary."

Dai Tianchen opened his eyes and said calmly, "Are you going to start?"

Ding Qi smiled: "I look forward to it!"

Mo Xiaoqi waved her small fist and said: "Chong!"

Gao An and Bu Yun looked at each other. The former smiled bitterly, they were too familiar with Xiao Yu.

From Luo Feng's "grab the flag", they seemed to have known what Xiao Yu wanted to do.

Bu Yun shook his head helplessly, and said, "There is indeed no rule that the flag can not be drawn at the Flag Capture Conference."

Everyone began to look at the three people, especially the young man. They vaguely knew that this hill, which had been quiet for several hours, was about to start to lively.


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