Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5007: Harvest banner

Xiao Yu and the others moved very quickly, and they quickly reached the ninth flag. There were still several teams competing for the ninth flag, which was obviously fierce.

The five people in that team are still the ones who set the scene for them.

The moment they saw Xiao Yu, they were about to speak, but they were thrown into the air by Luo Feng two or three palms. After the ninth banner was pulled up, the three of them disappeared.

This group of people were even dumbfounded, they didn't even know what happened, and the flag was gone.

"Just now, what happened..." Those who failed in the competition and recovered from the sidelines were stunned.

They didn't even know that for Xiao Yu and the others, it was just the beginning.

Soon, the eighth flag, the seventh flag, and the fifth four flags were all harvested by Xiao Yu.

However, Xiao Yu didn't have a half-point shot along the way, most of them were shot by Luo Feng, and the others were shot by Tang Linger.

"Really disappointed! I haven't met anyone who can play." Luo Feng was very helpless holding a bunch of flagpoles.

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "The strongest members of Class B are basically the Hedao realm, and the others are all three spiritual realms. Of course, it is not enough for you."

Luo Feng is a disciple of the main peak after all, he actually fouled the rules when he came to the competition.

Moreover, in the Coffin Continent, his cultivation level has reached the level of the Dao Realm. Although this cultivation level is not enough to sweep Class B, it is already among the best.

"Wait is the real tough fight." Xiao Yu said lightly.

After all, Xiao Yu looked towards the sky with an expression of interest in his eyes.

"Hey, that's just right, I'm all itchy, I was so happy just now, those guys didn't even force my average strength." Luo Feng yelled.

"Let's go, the real old friend is on it."

After a while, Xiao Yu and the others reached the third banner.

Obviously, all of us on the third flag were much more tragic than the fourth flag. Various woods were razed to the ground, leaving a range of hundreds of meters.

But what surprised Xiao Yu was that on the other side, five people were seriously injured, and all of them were meditating and recovering. The leader was actually Du Jun!

Even Luo Feng was surprised.

Du Jun is also in harmony! Although they just arrived at the Hedao Realm, according to their previous guess, Du Jun and the others should have grabbed the third banner!

But now it is completely beyond their expectations.

The opposite of them was also very tragic, but obviously much better than Du Jun and the others.

Du Jun and his party also saw Xiao Yu, especially when they saw Luo Feng carrying the flag grabbing them, they were suddenly surprised.

"You..." Du Jun's face was full of movement.

In fact, Xiao Yu still has a good impression of Du Jun.

When Du Jun wanted to find himself and Luo Feng to join him, he saw the sincerity in Du Jun's eyes, and even if he refused later, Du Jun was not angry.

In the second court, each is a competitor, and there will even be intrigue and intrigue.

For example, the group of people like Fu Jingming united to deal with Xiao Yu, but Du Jun did not go with them and practiced quietly.

He originally thought that Du Jun had no problem thirdly with his strength, but it seemed that he was defeated a bit miserably.

Du Jun seemed to have no face to look at Xiao Yu, and lowered his head slightly, thinking that he had wanted to win over Xiao Yu and team up together, but he didn't expect that he couldn't even compete for third place.

Xiao Yu didn't say anything, but looked to the other side.

That person, he knew what his name was, Li Shunjia, and he was from Bu Jingming.


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