Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5010: You regressed

As soon as the set Jingming's voice fell, Xiao Yu had already jumped over.

For Xiao Yu, although Bu Jingming is not his enemy, this person is a child of the Bu family, one of the three major families in Cangling City. Before, he sent people to try to eradicate himself in Pingshan Continent. How could he stay? hand.

Xiao Yu's green wood saint body flickered, a surging force swept out like a storm, and he suppressed it with the palm of his hand.

Set Jingming's eyes were cold: "Do you want to be the first to win? Power is important here!"

In his opinion, Xiao Yu is also in the same Dao state like himself, but he really wants to decide the victory or defeat by relying on cultivation techniques, spiritual techniques, secret techniques, etc.

Set Jingming also took a palm shot.


Bu Jingming only felt that the aura of Mount Tai was crushed over, his arm seemed to hit the mountain wall, a kind of pain came up, he quickly stopped, and quickly backed away.

"How is it possible, he obviously only has the same way..."

In these two or three months, Xiao Yu broke through from the Three Spirit Realm to the He Dao Realm, which was already unthinkable, but the power of the palm-to-hand touch just now gave him a sign of being forced to retreat.

How horrible this is!

However, how could Fu Jingming admit defeat, he hasn't used all his strength yet.

Set Jingming's cultivation in the later stage of the Hedao Realm burst into full swing, and the terrifying vigor caused the trees in a radius of hundreds of meters to shake.

The force of horror to the extreme crushed over, as if a mountain whistling a tsunami.

However, Xiao Yu didn't move. He just stood there like this, and his face was expressionless even if these auras rested on him.

This scene surprised all those who watched the battle, and even the momentum of the Dao Realm could resist indifferently?


"Fu Jingming, in these two or three months, have you made such progress? In my opinion, you have regressed."

Xiao Yu laughed, and then hit it out with a punch.

The green light flashed, it was still the sun fist condensed by the power of the green wood, but this time, the fist light was more dense, and it was even better than before.

"Do you really think you can do whatever you want with a little adventure?"

Not to be outdone, Set Jing yelled, and he immediately used a powerful heavenly spirit.

Countless heaven and earth spiritual power swept over, forming a hundred-meter angry flood, which suddenly rolled over.


The angry Jiao was shattered, and Set Jingming was forced to retreat again, and his face finally turned pale.

Xiao Yu lifted the weight lightly, as if he didn't use any strength at all. This made him a little dazed. Is this guy really only in the Harmony Realm?

"court death!"

Set Jingming was furious, yet another powerful spiritual technique was released by him.

The spiritual power of heaven and earth rushed over again, and condensed into a hurricane. The hurricane grew stronger and faster, and immediately rose against the storm, or the hurricane turned into tens of thousands of sword energy, and flew towards Xiao Yu. Past.

"it is good!"

Xiao Yu yelled, he clenched both fists, and suddenly punched out eighteen fists.

"Boom boom boom!"

Xiao Yu's punching speed was extremely fast, and the dazzling fist light condensed into a huge offensive of hundreds of meters in the air.

He didn't even use the Big Yao Ri Fist, it was just a simple offensive of the Qing Mu Sheng Jue.

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of terror exploded in the air.

Fu Jingming's tens of thousands of sword energy offensives were all shattered by Xiao Yu's fist style.

Countless vigor erupted on the mountain, crushing countless trees into powder, and the powder turned into dust in the sky. All watching were shocked.

But at this moment, a dark shadow quickly zoomed in in front of Set Jingming, it was Xiao Yu.

"Take me another punch!"


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