Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5011: Do you know what sword i am

Xiao Yu pierced through countless pieces of wood dust, fist like a dragon, gleaming with green light, and suddenly hit Fu Jingming's chest.

Set Jingming's pupils shrank, he shouted violently, and the spiritual power gathered in his body formed a mask on the surface of his body.


The mask shattered, and the force of horror swayed out. Set Jingming quickly stepped back tens of meters, his throat was sweet, and he swallowed it abruptly.

"Fu Jingming, you lost." Xiao Yu said lightly.

Everyone was surprised to see this scene.

Although the cultivation base of Hedao Realm is not very high among the people of Class A and Main Peak, it can be regarded as outstanding.

The children of the native Cangling City family like Fu Jingming have supernatural talents. Becoming a Class A student is just a certainty, and the children of the main peak have great opportunities.

But it was such a fiasco.

"I haven't lost yet!!"

Set Jingming's killing intent with both eyes rose up. How could he imagine that three months ago, the guy who held the opponent's head steadily, now turned himself into such an uncontestable situation?

Set Jingming shouted violently, and when he flipped his hand, a silver-black long sword appeared.

This long sword is his sword at the bottom of the box, a high-grade spirit treasure, and even barely able to compete with the demigod.

"Changming Sword Art!!"

Bu Jingming roared, the sword light cried, and a silver-black sword light burst out.

Jian Mang seemed to be going to penetrate the void, rose hundreds of meters against the storm, traversed the void, and suddenly slashed towards Xiao Yu.

The moment Set Jingming cut over, an astonishing killing intent appeared in it.

Gao An and Bu Yun, who watched the battle from a distance, frowned.

In principle, it is normal to have intent to kill in the game, as long as there is no dead person, you can stop.

And this setting was obviously rushing to kill.

"Don't worry about him for the time being, the boss of Xingtang is also there, he will be punished afterwards."

"But Xiao Yu..." Gao An was a little worried.

Bu Yun stared at the figure below, narrowing his venomous eyes, and said, "I think this kid, I'm afraid he hasn't done his best yet."

At what level Chu Dongmen and the other peak masters were, they naturally felt the ultimate move of Fu Jingming, but they were all indifferent.

It seemed invisibly, they wanted to see how much strength Bu Jingming could force Xiao Yu out.

Xiao Yu naturally felt the killing intent from Fu Jingming, but he didn't care at all. In his opinion, Fu Jingming was just a clown.

His hand condensed, and a translucent long sword spontaneously emerged.

The advanced form of the Green Wood Sword, the Linglong Sword.

"Appeared!" Luo Feng exclaimed excitedly.

Tang Linger was a little surprised, but she also felt the extraordinary of this translucent long sword.

"Sister Ling'er, do you know how many people Yu has killed with this sword?" Luo Feng's eyes were full of a certain light.

Tang Linger naturally didn't know how Xiao Yu used this sword to kill the eight elders of the Mu Family, and forced Mu Tianhong to bow his head.

"Do you know what sword I am?" Xiao Yu asked lightly.

"call out!"

Set Jingming's eyes narrowed, and he felt a very vast and pure breath from this translucent sword light.

Without waiting for Xiao Yu's answer, he slashed out with a single sword. The sword aura was just like a horror. There was not a big wave, but at the moment it was shot out, all the wood elements in the heaven and earth spiritual power were shaken. Invisibly, madness gathered together.

Although the sword light is only ten meters, it is condensed to the extreme, and it can cut gold and iron, and it is invincible.

The majestic sword style of Fu Jingming was suddenly cut off, and immediately after that, Xiao Yu's exquisite sword and sword spirit did not see the slightest, and it directly penetrated through Fu Jingming's chest!


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