Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5032: The title of Danfang (Part 1)

Many people knew that Xiao Yu was an alchemy boy.

In fact, if they were just ordinary people, Ling Qing and others might not care so much.

But this person is Xiao Yu.

When it was in the lower court, it was said that Tutsi was favored by the mountain, but he still chose the path of spiritual power cultivation.

Then there was a lot of trouble in the lower house and upper house.

There are really too many stories about Xiao Yu, and there are too many to count.

Especially at the recent flag-grabbing conference, Xiao Yu's limelight was no different for a while, and that status was simply unshakable.

Xiao Yu seems to have become the most popular and famous existence in the entire college.

Xiao Yu had been Gongsun Jin's pill-refining boy, and Duanmu Shilan had also heard of it. Duanmu Shilan excitedly said: "Then we are also senior brothers and sisters?"

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "We are in the same academy, so we are brothers and sisters!"

Duan Mu Shilan is a young girl after all. Although these people have endured a lot of family pressure, when she comes to the academy, she can practice alchemy carefree without interference.

For a while, the girl's innocence and innocence were immediately revealed.

"Then I call you brother okay, or elder brother Xiao Yu?" Duan Mu Shilan blinked her beautiful eyes, looking at Xiao Yu.

"Anything." Xiao Yu smiled slightly and wiped Duan Mu Shilan's head.

Xiao Yu is already in her early twenties, four or five years older than Duan Mu Shilan, and this woman is very talented. Xiao Yu and Duan Mu Shilan are already teachers and friends.

The two people's so open and affectionate actions made many of the hot-blooded Fang Gang's children look jealous and hateful.

No, I almost forgot Ling Qing.

Although Ling Qing's face was smiling, her eyes were already cold.

"I wonder if Junior Brother Xiao Yu is interested in playing in the pill room?" Ling Qing said again.

It's not that Xiao Yu has never been to the pill room. The purpose of his coming here was to find Gong Sun Jin. How could he waste time on these?

As he was about to speak, Ling Qing said indifferently, "But it is true. After all, the alchemy boy is responsible for picking up the medicine and helping the head and the tail. He will not really make the alchemy. I am afraid that even the elixir is not fully understood. Being laughed at."

Xiao Yu couldn't help but look at Ling Qing more. This guy, if he didn't provoke him, even embarrassed himself a lot.

Duanmu Shilan seemed to have thought of something, and immediately said: "By the way, the teacher wrote a question at the alchemy room yesterday, and the seniors in the alchemy pavilion have all gone to play it."

"Difficulty?" This was the first time Xiao Yu heard of it.

"Yes, every week, the teacher will put down a topic of alchemy in the alchemy room, the purpose is to radiate our soul thinking, which will also help us to concentrate when making alchemy."

"Brother Xiao Yu, why don't you go take a look too, I think that question is quite interesting." Duan Mu Shilan shook Xiao Yu's hand.

Xiao Yu thought for a while, and agreed.

He also really wanted to know what question Gongsun Jin asked.

Seeing Xiao Yu and Duanmu Shilan heading towards the pill room, many people followed.

"I don't know how many spirit pills can Senior Brother Xiao Yu combine?"

"Hey, definitely less than Duanmu Junior Sister!"

Over there, the eyes of Ling Qing and Fan Mo also flickered.

"Let's go take a look too, I want to see if the person mentioned by Elder Gongsun is really such a god." Ling Qing squinted.

At the time Xiao Yu and Fan Mo competed, he was in retreat and alchemy, so he didn't know.

Then I heard Gongsun Jin said that Xiao Yu was a pill-refining wizard with a high soul talent, so he wanted to see it.

Most importantly, in front of Duan Mu Shilan, he wanted to regain some sense of superiority.


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