Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5033: The topic of Danfang (Part 2)

After entering the pill room, he asked a very fragrant smell.

The alchemy room is usually the place for lectures, so the alchemy pavilion's lectures are naturally alchemy.

On the wall of the alchemy room, Xiao Yu had already seen a problem.

"Among the following ten elixir, how many middle elixir can be combined at most?"

Immediately afterwards, there are the names of some elixir.

"Break soul, wind wolf dung insect flower, Qiyu grass..."

Xiao Yu chanted silently for a hundred years, and then he kept all the elixir in his heart.

"Are there any special requirements for this topic?" Xiao Yu asked.

At this time, Ling Qing and Fan Mo also walked in. Fan Mo said indifferently, "There is no requirement. You only need to use these hundred elixir, and try to match as many as possible to urge as many elixir as possible, whoever has the most number. , Even if you win."

"There are still wins or losses? Xiao Yu was a little surprised, looking at Duan Mu Shilan.

Duanmu Shilan excitedly said: "Yes, as long as someone matches the more spirit pills, he can get the teacher's personal guidance for a week."

Xiao Yu's heart moved.

As far as he knows, Gongsun Jin is very busy, not only does he often specialize in alchemy, but he also does alchemy by himself.

At the same time, he will often go out to practice, participate in exchanges, and improve his alchemy.

This is true whether it is alchemy or refining. Only by communicating with as many people as possible about the experience of alchemy or refining can you not be bound by old things.

Therefore, Gongsun Jin’s three-day guidance is actually a good reward.

"What about you, how many kinds of spirit pills have you combined?" Xiao Yu asked with a smile.

Duanmu Shilan's eyes lit up and said, "Ten kinds."

"But I'm very satisfied. After all, these elixir are all materials used to refine the five-patterned earth spirit pill, and some are rarely used. There is no record of pill prescription in many alchemy books."

After all, Duanmu Shilan took out a piece of rice paper with a combination of ten kinds of spirit pills that Duanmu Shilan had assembled by herself.

After reading it, Xiao Yu nodded thoughtfully

Duanmu Shilan's formulas are basically three or four types, and no more than ten types of elixir are combined.

After all, the more the ingredients, the more complicated the pill.

Under normal circumstances, the prescriptions of high-level spirit pills are rarely passed on outside, unless a special teacher or master teaches them.

Therefore, the soul cultivation line is so focused on inheritance, which is an important reason.

Because Danfang is really precious.

Often the same level of panacea may have similar effects, but it may have fewer side effects.

Or the same level of spirit pills, the medicinal effects will gather a lot, and even some spirit pills can be perfect in all aspects.

And Duanmu Shilan listed some relatively common elixirs, and none of them are rare.

Of course, this kind of so-called ordinary spirit pill, placed in any earth spirit master, I am afraid it is difficult to fully imagine.

Duanmu Shilan knows so much because he has the Danmu family's alchemy background, and Gongsun Jin's favor, and was advised by Xiao Yu during the period.

Ten kinds of spirit pills are already ranked second in the alchemy pavilion temporarily.

"Who is the number one now?" Xiao Yu asked curiously.

Duanmu Shilan looked at Ling Qing who was not far away, and said, "It's Brother Ling, he has combined thirteen types."

After listening, Xiao Yu nodded slightly, but was not too surprised.

Ling Qing thought Xiao Yu would be surprised, but when he saw Xiao Yu's expression, his face suddenly became a little ugly.

"Junior Brother Xiao Yu, I don't know how many kinds of spirit pills you can combine?"


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