Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5044: Acquaintance again

As a cultivator with the strength of Xiao Yu, if you want to cross the river under normal circumstances, you only need to fly in the air.

No matter how bad it is, the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth can be pushed under the soles of the feet, and they can also walk on the surface of the water quickly.

Sitting on a boat like this, waiting leisurely to head to the center of the lake, this is a special flavor.

"Senior Fu must be a master of leisure and elegance." Duan Mu Shilan said with a look of expectation and admiration.

Xiaolong also muttered: "What kind of leisure is elegant, that is, the status is too high, so that these people don't dare to mess around."

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "This is also the skill of this senior, after all, the spirit realm is too rare."

What Xiaolong said is not wrong.

As long as there is strength, let alone the entire lake, the entire plane law is controlled by itself.

However, Xiao Yu also discovered that the ship was not heading to the center.

Gongsun Jin explained: "This lake is very big and there are several ferry crossings."

Xiao Yu shook his head slightly, no matter how big the lake is, if it is at a normal speed, I am afraid it will be able to cross it in an hour, right?

However, it is true that the teleportation array is teleported to these locations. They are not fixed locations. They are four and eight stars. Because the transmission channels are different, there are more ferry ports for your convenience.

Soon at the next ferry, a dozen people got on the boat, and the boat sailed to the next ferry.

After a while, there were eight people at the ferry, but there were only seven seats left.

But in the end the two were an old man and a young man.

The old man was dressed in black, with a ruddy face and a proud face.

The young man's face was handsome, his eyes were cold, his body fluctuated extremely powerfully.

Huayu Realm.

Xiao Yu recognized this young man's cultivation at a glance.

Because most of the people who boarded the ship were Celestial Spirit alchemists, and their followers and disciples were almost all alchemists, so there were very few spiritual power practitioners.

Xiao Yu was also surprised before that the alchemist was like a treasure to the family power, and there was no strong protection when he traveled with him?

Gongsun Jin left Xiao Yu speechless with a single word.

Gongsun Jin said lightly: "These are Senior Fu’s guests. The alchemist who had participated in the Senior Fu exchange meeting before was killed by the enemy’s ambush. Senior Fu was furious and proposed one. In the future, he will come to the Land of Magic The people of his exchange meeting, if anyone dares to touch anyone, he is an enemy."

After that, as long as those who came to the Phantom Conference to participate in the exchange, no one dared to attack after returning.

If you also wait for them to return safely, then think of a way.

These words immediately made Xiao Yu more curious about this Fu Shu, and it directly demonstrated Fu Shu's powerful ability.

Nine Heavens World is so big, Fu Shu's words can be frightening. If it weren't for a very high level of cultivation, how could the powerhouses of Nine Heavens World fear him and sell him in disguise?

"Old Cen, you are here."

Jing Yong smiled and called out.

"Old Jing, you are here too." Lao Cen seemed to have seen his old friend, his indifferent face eased a lot.

"I have seen Master Cen." The two young men and women beside Jing Yong also exploded slightly.

"Who is this old Cen?" Duan Mu Shilan asked Ling Qing curiously.

Ling Qing explained: "This person is a direct alchemist from a large family. He seems to have a good relationship with Senior Fu, and his cultivation level is very powerful, and he is similar to Elder Gongsun."

"Gongsun Jin, you are here too."


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