Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5045: Give up

When Lao Cen saw Gongsun Jin, his face suddenly became indifferent.

Although he was not like Jing Yong, coldly speaking to Gongsun Jin, giving a bad expression, but he also looked not cold or cold.

Xiao Yu was surprised, but he knew him again?

Gongsun Jin said indifferently: "Aren't you here too."

"I remember you haven't been here for several years." Lao Cen glanced at Gongsun Jin intentionally or unintentionally.

Gongsun Jin responded indifferently, saying: "It's a little messy."

Lao Cen glanced at the three people next to Gongsun Jin, his eyes turned to indifferent.

At this time, Jing Yong narrowed his eyes and immediately said, "Lao Cen, these three are his three disciples, and they are all very talented."

Jing Yong's words were naturally mocking. Gongsun Jin's face was still water, but Ling Qing frowned. This Jing Yong was obviously making trouble!

Lao Cen said indifferently: "Back then, the fifteen Celestial Spirit alchemists from Yunsheng College competed, and the only chief alchemist who won, Gongsun Jin, did not expect you to have fallen to this point.

Duanmu Shilan was a little unhappy at once, but she was not the kind of young girl with a **** face, her face was red.

Isn't Lao Cen mocking Xiao Yu and the three of them for their talents?

The young man next to Lao Cen also said indifferently, "Grandpa, these three people should be here to make soy sauce. I heard that at Senior Fu's exchange meeting, many people would come to ask for alchemy experience."

Gongsun Jin glanced at the young man, a strange color flashed deep in his eyes.

Although the young man's words are arrogant, there is a very strange fluctuation in his soul.

Obviously, the soul of this young man is very high.

Upon seeing this, Jing Yong smiled and said, "This must be Ling Sun, Cen Shao."

"I heard that Shao Cen is a double-cultivator, and his spiritual power cultivation level has reached the Huayu state, and he is able to refine four-patterned heavenly spirit pills."

Hearing this, the people on the entire ship were shocked, and they all showed awe.

This young man seemed to be in his early twenties, and he did not expect to be so talented!

You can refine the four-patterned heavenly spirit pill in your twenties. This kind of talent and ability is a leader among the younger generation in the alchemy world!

And he still double repairs!

It is that Jing Yong's two disciples are inferior.

As everyone knows, double cultivation will inevitably distract attention and time, but he still has the cultivation base of Huayu Realm!

Cen Shao held a fist towards Jing Yong politely, and immediately recovered his indifferent color.

Gongsun Jin didn't pay any attention, and immediately he sat closed his eyes and calmed down.

"Hehe, Master Cen is good."

"Master Cen, don't be unharmed!"

Many people greeted Lao Cen one after another when they saw Lao Cen, and Lao Cen also nodded in response.

At this time, the boatman finally spoke and said, "There is one seat left. If you want to board the boat, one can only stand."

Lao Cen frowned suddenly, and the young man frowned.

Obviously, it is impossible for an old Cen body with respect and respect to stand. As a leader among the younger generation, Shao Cen will naturally lose his status if he stands.

Many people on the ship began to give up their seats.

"Young Master Cen, I will give you this seat."

"Anyway, it's almost there. It doesn't matter if we stand."

These people obviously want to go to Master Bajiezen.

It's just that Cen Shao's gaze has always been on the three people behind Gongsun Jin, and immediately after that, his gaze has been on the body with the weakest soul.

"This friend, your soul level is the lowest, why don't you give up your seat." Cen Shao said directly.


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