Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5060: Punch through

And on the lake outside Xiangling Island, many people have gathered to watch.

"Lu Shan, Yuan Xian, I didn't expect even Cen Xing to be inside."

From a distance, Xiangling Island looked hazy, with a faint bright red color exuding, but they did not dare to approach.

They are all people who want Xiao Yu's pill, and they have been ready to move these days.

Only in front of Cen Xing, the united array mage Lu Shan, and Yuan Xian, who has the blood of the monster beast, entered it, they did not dare to insert a foot.

There was no movement in Xiangling Island, they all knew that this must be fighting in the formation, and the physical body remained still.


Yuan Xian roared, and the blood glow of his eyes began to burst out, and then the blood power all over his body suddenly exploded.


Immediately afterwards, Yuan Xian's body was abruptly pulled up to the size of one zhang, the muscles that swelled like a small mountain, full of explosive power.

Yuan Xian was full of hideous expressions, he was **** and frantic, and he stomped over with a low growl.

When the two women saw Yuan Xian's hideous appearance, Huarong was already pale with fright.

Cen Xing and Lu Shan have a cold color on their faces.

The bloodline power of all Yuan Xian apes exploded, and there were few opponents in Huayu.

In their opinion, even if Xiao Yu is a double cultivation, his strength is not enough for the cultivation base of the Huayu Realm, and it is impossible to be Yuan Xian's opponent.

"It is indeed the blood of the ape race, but it is only the blood of a hybrid." Xiao Yu said lightly.

"Really? Then let me blow you up with a punch!"

Yuan Xian jumped into thunder, and slammed the tiger on the ground, and the whole Xiangling Island shook.

His speed was extremely fast, like a gallop, the air was directly torn, and he slammed into it with a punch.

Seeing that the fist that was comparable to Xiao Yu's entire head was about to smash, Xiao Yu didn't dodge, and the two women's hearts were both raised in their throats.

Finally, Xiao Yu moved.

He carried one hand on his back, the other was free, a golden light condensed on his fist, and then he struck out with a "boom".

Yuan Xian initially thought that the other person's body was just papery in front of his fist, but he was obviously wrong.

His fist was instantly beaten to blood plasma, and then Xiao Yu's fist drove straight in. Yuan Xian watched the opponent's fist hit Huanglong and directly penetrated his chest.

Yuan Xian's pupils shrank, but he had no time to react because he had no heartbeat.

Seeing this scene, Cen Xing and Lu Shan, who had the chance to win, were stunned.

A strong master with the blood of the ape race, in their opinion, was strong enough, but was killed like a chicken but a dog.

Less than three seconds!

Even Li Cuiyun was dumbfounded, is this guy still a human?

With one punch, he pierced a master of the Feather Realm!

Xiao Yu's face was kind, but the golden light on his fist gave people an extremely domineering attitude inside.

This is impressively the power of martial arts.

Xiao Yu's heart had already opened sixty-nine strokes. How terrifying is the power of his casual punch. He didn't need to fully open his heart, and he could kill the Huayu Realm.

Cen Xing was stunned by the fright, and his face was pale, Lu Shan felt very uncomfortable.

Although this was his formation, he felt that it could be broken at any time.

"Second, who's turn?" Xiao Yu glanced lightly at Cen Xing and Lu Shan, deep in his black and gold eyes, with a gesture of gazing at all beings.

"Go together, kill him!"


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