Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5061: Physically take the sword

Cen Xing yelled, his whole body's power began to explode, and immediately after his hand turned over, a low-grade magic weapon appeared, which was a long sword.

"call out!"

Cen Xing's eyes were like electricity, and he was assassinated with a single sword.

The low-grade magic weapon cooperates with a powerful heavenly swordsmanship.

The sword glow was dazzling, a sword swept across the sky, and suddenly beheaded.

Cen Xing is worthy of being a child of a big family, whether it is cultivation method, sword technique, or various backgrounds, he is very powerful.

In Xiao Yu's view, Cen Xing could already compete with Zeng Lei and others in the academy.

It's just that this kind of cultivation is naturally not enough in front of Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu didn't even move, letting this sword kill him.

Duanmu Shilan was shocked to see this scene.

Xiao Yu is very powerful and good, but this is a real attack. How can ordinary people dare to resist so hard?

Lu Shan was also taken aback. Could this kid be crazy?

But after Cen Xing thought that he could split Xiao Yu in half with a single sword, who knew, only to hear a "knock" sound, Cen Xing's sword slashed on Xiao Yu's shoulder, only falling into an inch. Position, and then you move forward incredibly.

Countless sword auras began to sweep towards the surroundings, but they couldn't hurt Xiao Yu a bit.

"how is this possible!?"

Cen Xing's pupils shrank, he quickly pulled away the sword, and then quickly backed away.

Both of them looked at Xiao Yu in disbelief.

Xiao Yu wiped his wound, and then a green glow slowly appeared, and then continued to nourish his wound.

Soon, his wound was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xiao Yu didn't even blink his brows.

"This is your ability?" Xiao Yu looked at Cen Xing lightly.

Both were frightened to numb their scalp.

Cen Xing's sword was that Yuan Xian did not dare to take it.

But this guy was actually able to resist with his physical body!

This is simply impossible!

In a short time, Cen Xing finally started to retreat.

He thought that when the other party slapped himself on the boat that day, it was only his carelessness that he was attacked by the other party.

But after he punched Yuan Xian to death, and physically took his sword pose, he knew that this guy was a pervert!

Lu Shan has already begun to retreat, this person is simply not what they can contend!

"Are you scared? But here is what you want to come and leave?" Xiao Yu said disdainfully.

Lu Shan gritted his teeth and said: "I trapped him with the phantom array, and you kill him with a big move!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Shan's hands quickly formed a seal, and the scene in front of Xiao Yu's eyes changed, turning into a scene of swordsmanship.

Xiao Yu chuckled, the Liuli Sword condensed out of thin air, and then slashed towards the void.


The entire phantom array world changed, and then resumed the formation just now.

All this happened so quickly, Duan Mu Shilan and Li Cuiyun didn't even know when it happened. They only saw Lu Shan's pupils shrink and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Fantasy in the magical array? Little bugs skills." Xiao Yu's eyes were disdainful.

To him, Lu Shan's illusion was nothing but a fuss.

Cen Xing couldn't help feeling shuddering even if their plan was not even implemented.

"Let's go!" Cen Xing finally stopped being in love.

"Leave your life here."

Before Cen Xing could react, only a glazed sword light came to kill him. Cen Xing's pupils shrank. Knowing that it was too late to escape, he suddenly roared and slashed out with a single sword.

But how his swordsmanship was Xiao Yu's opponent, he was split in half by the glazed glaze sword's light, and his body was also split in half.

Lu Shan was so frightened that he really wanted to kneel and beg for mercy. How could Xiao Yu let him go, killing Lu Shan with the same sword, and also breaking this phantom formation.


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