Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5071: You did a good job

The most discussed topic these days is the scene that Xiao Yu from Cangling Academy made in Xiangling Island and in the pavilion.

The **** of Xiangling Island unknowingly killed the young master Cen Xing of the Cen family, the formation master Lu Shan, and Yuan Xian of the Yuan family at the same time.

Later, Cen Wan and Yuan Ba ​​summoned the guards to come to ask the crime, but Yuan Ba ​​was beaten to death, Ge Xingyi scrapped his arm, and even Guan Shi from the Magic Island did not punish the young man after he appeared.

This incident directly caused a sensation to everyone.

Everyone is secretly considering whether this phantom island is sheltering this young man in secret, whether it is shielding Gongsun Jin, the heavenly spirit alchemist, and whether it has something to do with Cangling Academy.

However, the phantom Lingdao didn't make any response, and didn't even pay attention to outside voices.

Gradually, this voice of doubt gradually calmed down.

In fact, if you think about it, how big is the Phantom Island, and it is famous in the world for nine days. Does the Phantom Island need to explain to the outside world for its affairs?

Moreover, Fu Shutang, a divine spirit realm alchemist, should he go to court with a Cangling Academy? Do you need to favor a so-called five major temple in the entrance exam?

Moreover, among the guests who came, who would dare to complain about the Phantom Island, who would dare to complain about Fu Shu?

Maybe only Cen is stubborn.

Therefore, after this day's exchange meeting finally arrived, many people looked at Xiao Yu with full interest.

At this time Xiao Yu, Duan Mu Shilan, and Ling Qing were together, but Gongsun Jin still did not show up on the day of the exchange meeting, which made Duan Mu Shilan very nervous.

Because everyone wants to keep the language with them.

Let's not talk about how much Xiao Yu's alchemy cultivation is. After all, an earth spirit alchemist can't get into their magic eyes.

But Xiao Yu's cultivation base is strong enough!

Yuan Ba, as well as Ge Xingyi, both of them can compare to the existence of the peak cultivation level of the Huayu Realm. They were defeated by Xiao Yu so easily. Then what kind of cultivation did this young man have?

At least there is a Yuanpu Realm!

Yuan soul realm, this talent in the five great temples is very high.

In addition to the fact that Xiao Yu was famous in all major planes in the joint examination, it can be said that Xiao Yu's cultivation is very powerful among the few spiritual power practitioners present.

Ling Qing met with her friends for two or three days before encountering Xiao Yu. To be honest, even his heart was a little complicated.

Because with him, his friends are not willing to walk with him anymore.

But he came from Cangling Academy again, so he had to stand with Xiao Yu and the others!

This led to the complexity of Ling Qing's mind.

It is good that he respects Xiao Yu, but he can't kill people here!

After all, this is not their place, so killing people like this is simply extremely inappropriate.

But Ling Qing also knew that if she could even avoid herself, then she really couldn't make sense.

After a while, Gongsun Jin came over.

The three of them saw that Gongsun Jin's face seemed a little tired, but his eyes were glowing with a certain divine light, and he looked extremely excited.

"Teacher." Duan Mu Shilan hurriedly called out in surprise.

If Gong Sun Jin held on here, at least she wouldn't panic in her heart.

Gongsun Jin nodded with a smile.

"Elder Gongsun." Ling Qing hesitated and stopped.

"I know, boy, you did a good job." Gongsun Jin said to Xiao Yu, showing a thumb.

As soon as this remark came out, many people looked through them with astonishment.


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