Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5072: Chief Alchemist of Yunsheng Academy

Killed Yuan Ba, offended Cen Wan, and said he did a good job?

They were surprised that what Xiao Yu did was not arranged by Gongsun Jin.

Xiao Yu smiled softly, but did not speak.

Killing and decisiveness has always been his character, especially the more he has experienced, the more he has faded away from the low-key and low-key that he had just arrived at Cangling Academy.

At best, Yuan Ba ​​was just a member of a third-rate family, and Xiao Yu didn't need to be afraid.

And Cen Wan's family is said to be huge, but no matter how huge, can it compete with Cangling Academy?

the answer is negative.

The only thing that surprised Xiao Yu was that the people on this ghost island turned one eye and closed another.

But what Gongsun Jin said made Xiao Yu even more relaxed.

Ling Qing was startled, and suddenly sighed in her heart.

But the people around me didn't look like that.

On the other side, Cen Wan and Jing Yong stood together, the former's face was very ugly.

A grandson died, how different in his heart.

But Gongsun Jin stepped on it.

"Master Cen, this kid won't be proud for long." Jing Yong said with his eyes narrowed.

In fact, he didn't know how happy he was.

He also has two disciples himself, and Cen Xing is talented aloof, is still a double cultivation, and he is bound to make the Cen family famous in the future.

Moreover, he lost to Gongsun Jin in that year's competition, but this time there is an excuse for someone to deal with Gongsun Jin, how not cool in his heart.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly remembered.

"Hahaha, Gongsun Jin, you finally showed up! I thought you were going to be this tortoise with your head down."

When he heard this voice, Gongsun Jin frowned, and immediately saw two figures walking towards him.

This is a six or seven year old man.

The old man looked proud, his robe faintly fluctuated somewhat strangely.

With long sideburns and beards, he looks like an expert, and his eyes are filled with a certain arrogance.

Although this old man is a Celestial Spirit alchemist, his soul fluctuates very publicly, and with every step he takes, there are strange fluctuations around him slightly shaking.

And beside this old man, there was a handsome young man.

This young man is also a Celestial Spirit alchemist, but he has an extraordinary bearing and a grand head.

Among the younger generation of people present, in Xiao Yu's eyes, perhaps only Hua Junhui and Hua Lingshan of that day could be compared with this young man.

Of course, Xiao Yu also discovered that their robes were all cloud-white, and there was a cloud of embroidery on their chests.

Yunsheng Academy!

How could Xiao Yu not recognize this kind of logo? The clothes Mu Zi'an wore that day was surprisingly the same.

He looked at the old man, and said in his heart: "This man is Mu Zi'an's master."

In other words, this old man and Gongsun Jin actually have a great relationship.

Mu Zi'an was the pill refining genius that Gongsun Jin excavated back then. Gongsun Jin gave it all his money and prepared to take Mu Zi'an to Yunsheng College.

But Mu Zi'an's talent was too strong and his ambitions were greater. He was dissatisfied with Gongsun Jin's teaching method. Later, he chose another teacher, the old man, and then chose to join Yunsheng Academy.

Gongsun Jin didn't want to face Mu Zi'an, and the grieving Gongsun Jin left Yunsheng Academy.

Immediately afterwards, this old man became the chief alchemist of Yunsheng Academy.

This period of history was also heard from Chu Dongmen several times after Xiao Yu returned from the Coffin Mainland.

However, Gongsun Jin glanced at the young man of the old man, and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief in his eyes.

The old man smiled faintly and said: "Why, I didn't see your proud disciple, did you breathe a sigh of relief?"

"Oh no, that is already my student, because you are not worthy."


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