Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5073: Tit for tat

All the people present looked at Gongsun Jin with some interest.

Gongsun Jin's reputation is extremely high among all the heavenly spirit alchemists.

Not only because Gongsun Jin was the chief alchemist of Yunsheng Academy, but also not only because Gongsun Jin won the competition of a dozen or twenty Celestial Alchemists and became the chief alchemist of Yunsheng Academy. It was because of Gongsun Jin's strength in alchemy, and among the Tianling alchemists present, they all ranked among the best.

Of course, what Gongsun Jin was "relieving" back then was naturally Mu Zi'an betraying Gongsun Jin.

In fact, the reason why this matter has such a big noise and caused such a big sensation, one and the most important, is naturally because of Gongsun Jin's great reputation.

The second is Mu Zi'an's cultivation talent.

As for the third, it is even simpler, and it is the jealousy of Gongsun Jin's cultivation in these people's hearts.

In addition, from the chief alchemist of Yunsheng Academy to the alchemist elder of the alchemy peak alchemy pavilion of Cangling Academy, which is the bottom of the five major temples, this status is linearly reduced. It is conceivable that these people have How cool.

Gongsun Jin heard the old man’s teasing and sarcasm, and he faintly responded: "Tang Lu, I beat you back then. To me, you are always the loser, and I am the winner. You are the second child of ten thousand years. , Even if my corpse fell into the loess, this fact can't be changed. If I hadn't given the position of the chief alchemist of Izumo Saint Academy, would you be on top?"

As soon as he said this, the face of the old man named Tang Lu suddenly sank, everyone's faces became weird, and some people looked at Tang Lu with a smile.

They are all people who eat melons, and no one is good.

And Gongsun Jin's words can not help but make many people recall the events of that day.

The fact is that both Jing Yong and Tang Lu are also one of the dozen or so Celestial Alchemists who participated in the written test.

At that time, Yunsheng Academy only recruited two people. They were Gongsun Jin and Tang Lu, but Tang Lunai was one of the alchemists under the seat of Yunsheng Academy, and his status was naturally not as high as Gongsun Jin.

Hearing this, the beautiful eyes of Duanmu Shilan, who had been despised by many people, and even a little aggrieved, Xiao Yu secretly marveled after hearing this, your uncle is still your uncle after all!

This Tang Lu was invincible, his alchemy cultivation base was indeed high enough, but compared to Gongsun Jin, it was still weaker.

What Tang Lu wanted to say, Gongsun Jin sneered, and said: "Also, Mu Zi'an is a traitor and cannot be changed. One day as a teacher, he will eventually be the alchemist I brought out. Now he will come to your door. Make sure that one day you will worship others. I don’t understand what you are proud of."

"You think I was relieved because he didn't come, but I don't know. I'm afraid that here, you, the alchemist who picked up a cheap alchemist, will be laughed at and pick up things I don't want."

The eyes of the people present became more interesting, and they all watched the good show.

Tang Lu's eyes had already started to frighten, his face flushed.

A few simple sentences, fully demonstrated Gongsun Jin's wise and strong mind, and made people marvel that the former alchemist of Yunsheng College deserves to be deserved.

Cen Wan and Jing Yong were both staring coldly, Hua Lingshan and Hua Junhui also had cold faces, but Hua Ling had a calm look in their eyes.

Tang Lu is indeed inferior to Gongsun Jin, but his alchemy realm is among the people present, which can also be ranked in the top three, but Gongsun Jin is ironiced to such a point.

And at this moment, the demeaned young man next to him also spoke.

"Hehe, Master Gongsun is so good at cultivation level, but that's what happened before. Now it seems that Master Gongsun's teaching ability is no longer the same as before!"


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