Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5081: First alchemy out of thin air

Seeing this strain of elixir appear out of nowhere, if anyone is here, you will definitely be shocked.

After all, these elixir seem to be real, and some of them are even very precious elixir.

After careful counting, there are 18 main medicines and 6 auxiliary medicines.

Yes, Xiao Yu restored all the elixir of Fu Shu's two-patterned sky spirit pill.

Don't think Xiao Yu only has the soul cultivation base of the Earth Spirit Realm, but he still has a potential soul in his mind, that is the Soul Realm of the Divine Spirit Realm!

To a certain extent, the Earth Spirit Realm is nothing but the "real combat" cultivation of Xiao Yu's soul.

The so-called actual combat cultivation base is the alchemy, or the spirit pill that can be refined by the formation, or the cultivation base of the condensed formation.

And the spiritual realm is his "consciousness" cultivation base.

In other words, his alchemy technique, leaving behind the real refining of spirit pills, among the people present, I am afraid that only Fu Shu can match him, or even overwhelm him.

After all, although many things have the same goal, such as refining poison and alchemy, Mo Suhe has always been a poison master in the spirit realm, and he still lacks some alchemy techniques.

And Xiao Yu got the "true biography" of Mo Suhe, so Xiao Yu is naturally inferior to Fu Shu in terms of alchemy.

Therefore, he has to practice alchemy.

Not only is it refining the legendary holy spirit pill that can help the soul transcend into the sacred, but it can also help oneself in future repairs, battles, and cultivation without having to ask outsiders.

"It's a god-spirit alchemist. Although it is only a two-stripe sky spirit pill, the materials used are more complicated than the ordinary two-stripe sky spirit pill. This spirit pill is more than the same level of two-stripe sky spirit pill. High-grade, probably top-grade or even top-grade." Xiao Yu sighed in his heart.

Had it not been the first time that this two-patterned sky spirit pill had been broken down, he would definitely not know that Fu Shu's true cultivation base was so powerful.

This combination of the main medicine and auxiliary medicine of the two-patterned Tianling Pill made Xiao Yu eager to move.

After all, he hadn't come into contact with the Heavenly Spirit Pill, so in his consciousness, he was constantly dreaming about the attributes, collocation, and refining process of these elixir, and he practiced it over and over again.

However, Xiao Yu's exercise used burning fire as the flame, and there was no alchemy furnace, so it could only be crude alchemy.

After about an hour, Xiao Yu's first "alchemy" finally succeeded.

"Although it is far from Senior Fu's spirit pill, it is not too bad." Xiao Yu smiled as he watched the spirit pill floating in the void.

This spirit pill is irregularly oval, but it does not affect the efficacy of the medicine inside, and it is probably at the level of medium grade.

He waved away these visions casually, then withdrew his consciousness, then opened his eyes.

The second round of the competition was not difficult for Xiao Yu.

When he opened his eyes, he discovered that many people had stopped writing, and many people were looking at him.

Yes, he was immersed in the joy of alchemy just now, and he had forgotten that he was outside now.

"Huh, pretentious kid."

"That's it, he can't write this round, right."

Many people who were eliminated in the first round sneered.

Within an hour, almost everyone stopped writing, only Xiao Yu threatened with a word.

Even Duan Mu Shilan and Ling Qing looked at Xiao Yu curiously.

Fu Shu just felt that Xiao Yu's consciousness seemed to be restrained in an extremely quiet environment, and even he felt very strange.

"This kid is in the spiritual realm, and there is such a cave in his consciousness?" Fu Shu was surprised.

However, as soon as Xiao Yu wanted to write, Guan Shi Yan announced: "Okay, if you have written everything, then you can publish the answer."

Suddenly a voice sounded--

"Uh, that... I haven't written my answer yet, or I will read my answer out."


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