Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5082: You passed

Hearing a sound from the venue, everyone followed the prestige.

It turned out to be Xiao Yu! ?

Quite a few people are showing mockery. Isn't this kid a fool?

What was he doing just now?

But any normal alchemist, even if it is an earth spirit alchemist, would not have written it all?

Is this guy in a daze?

Everyone looked at Xiao Yu with contempt.

Gongsun Jin looked at Xiao Yu with a curious look.

Although he didn't know Xiao Yu very deeply, he also knew that Xiao Yu was definitely not a reckless person.

Therefore, he guessed that Xiao Yu would definitely not be random.

"Huh! Grandstanding." Hua Junhui sneered.

Jia Qi was very interested to see what Xiao Yu was doing.

Guan Shi didn't frown. He knew that this kid might be very powerful, but he wasn't so arrogant.

"Why didn't you write just now?" Guanshi Yan asked coldly.

He has always been a stern person, and the things of Ge Xingyi last time made him have opinions on Xiao Yu. Had it not been for Fu Shu to stop him, he would have already set off for Xiao Yu.

Now that Xiao Yu was alone in affecting the whole round, how could he bear it?

At this time, Fu Shu stood up and said with a smile: "It's okay to let you read the answer, but you have one more than ordinary people, whether it is the main medicine or the auxiliary medicine, how about?"

After that, Fu wrote and looked at Xiao Yu with a smile.

Xiao Yu nodded and said, "Yes."

Everyone is sneer, this kid is really big!

That is, Xiao Yu had to recite eleven main medicines and four auxiliary medicines.

For some people, let alone ten kinds, seven or eight kinds are very difficult, let alone eleven kinds?

Especially the adjuvant medicine is actually more suffering than the main medicine.

Because the amount of adjuvant is very small, it only plays a role of neutralization or auxiliary, so it is more difficult to not only sense, but also to know which adjuvant.

Even the elders of certain small families of Celestial Spirit Pill Alchemists can't say that they can say 100%, let alone an Earth Spirit Alchemist.

Everyone is waiting for a good show.

Xiao Yu said directly: "The main medicine is Guixianhuan, Tianhaishi, Huoyan animal blood..."

As Xiao Yu said the names of the main medicines one by one, many people's expressions changed from accident to surprise, and finally to horror.

The eleven main medicines were said by Xiao Yu one by one!

It was Hua Junhui's eyes that were gleaming with surprise, Hua Lingshan was thoughtful, and Jia Qi's meaningful eyes became more exuberant.

Gongsun Jin smiled and cursed in his heart, this kid was actually pretending again.

Hua Ling, Cen Wan, and Jing Yong, the veteran Tianling alchemists' eyes began to flicker.

Others didn't know, but how could they not know that the first three main medicines that Xiao Yu said had the least amount of the 18 main medicines.

From a certain perspective, the smaller the dosage, the weaker the breath, and the more difficult it is to know exactly which main medicine.

But he was on the top!

It was Guan Shi Yan, who looked at Xiao Yu a little admiringly.

Fu Shu smiled and said, "Where is the adjuvant?"

Xiao Yu said, "Scorpion Spirit Heart, Blood Poison Rose, Water Mountain Gen, and Earth Dragon and Lizard Liver."

"What!? Earth dragon and lizard liver have it?"

"No wonder, I said that this breath is very unique. It turned out to be an earth dragon lizard. I thought it was a kind of elixir in a kilometer of soil."

Some people exclaimed, and they suddenly realized, but their answers have been written out, and it is impossible to change them.

"The second round, you passed." Fu Shu left a sentence and nodded slightly with a smile.

The people present were all stunned.


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