Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5140: State of the Law of Equivalence (Part 2)

Zhang Cheng, Lao Liu, Chu Dongmen, and Bu Yun all nodded slightly.

To be honest, it is beyond their imagination to be able to think of "assimilation" with this equal power of law.

This requires a sufficient and in-depth understanding of the power of the law of space.

This is a manifestation of a deeper understanding of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth under the condition of long-term cultivation.

However, being able to come up with this method is not the most surprising to them.

What surprised them was whether Xiao Yu could release two hundred times the gravity.

Everyone's gaze fell on Xiao Yu's body, and there was a look of expectation in their eyes.

The power of the law of space is extremely difficult to cultivate, and because of this, some strong people have directly abandoned this understanding of the power of the supreme law.

Because maybe a year or a half, or three to five or eight years, it may not be able to comprehend more power of the laws of space.

Not everyone, the law of space is extremely powerful.

This is like, countless soul cultivators, they have the opportunity to comprehend the power of the law of time.

But perhaps only such one appears among hundreds of millions of people.

Compared with the power of the law of time, there are certainly more people who can comprehend the power of the law of space.

First, because the soul practitioners themselves are extremely few compared to the spiritual power practitioners.

Secondly, time is the long history from the past to the future that constitutes the nine-day world.

In principle, the gears of time move forward, they will not stand still, will not go back, or speed up.

The space is to construct the nine-day world, and there are many second world spaces.

Space is not only a place of activity, but also a combat capability.

This is so that part of the reason is keen to understand the power of the law of space.

The higher the level, the easier it is to understand.

Of course, this is not absolute.

Like Xiao Yu.

The use and comprehension of this space power has surpassed the existence of his same level.

But what shocked them was still to come.

The spatial power of Xiao Yu's body began to fluctuate violently and suddenly gathered on him.

One hundred times, one hundred twenty times, one hundred thirty times...One hundred ninety times, and then one hundred and ninety-nine times!

From a certain point of view, Xiao Yu wanted to fully release the power of his own space and reach a state of assimilation with Zhang Cheng's 200 times the gravity.

And from an intuitive point of view, as Xiao Yu's own gravity increases, the power of space contained in his one-hundred-meter space is also superimposed!

Three hundred and ninety-nine times!

"Good guy, even if this kind of space gravity acts on a Yuanpa Realm, it will be crushed instantly even if you resist it with all your strength." The old sixth judged, slightly surprised.

The so-called Yuan Soul Realm's full resistance is to urge the power of the whole body to resist the weight which is almost 400 times its own weight.

But you must know that Xiao Yu didn't use any power, he used pure flesh!

Chu Dongmen also nodded and praised: "Yes, four hundred times, even in the realm of Tibetan Tao, people in the realm of Tianzang, they dare not say that they are resisted by pure flesh, at least their ability to move and combat power are greatly affected. Affected."

The implication is that Xiao Yu's body is simply too abnormal.

"Xiao Yu is challenging himself!" Gongsun Jin's eyes flickered.

If Xiao Yu even urged a little of his own power, he wouldn't need to desperately urge the power of space to resist and assimilate.

However, this is also the best way to exercise one's power of space laws, and to comprehend the power of deeper space laws.

They looked at Xiao Yu suddenly.

However, Zhang Cheng glanced in the distance and shook his head slightly: "The power of the law of space cannot be spurred for a long time. This is a blow to the mind, and his power of space has already begun to dissipate."

Everyone felt that the power of space released by Xiao Yu's body seemed to slowly weaken.

However, the sixth child still nodded and said: "But he can do this step, it is already considered very good, at least in the battle, the power of space can give him a lot of help."

Just when they thought that Xiao Yu was about to give up, a scene of shock suddenly appeared.


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