Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5141: Two hundred times the gravity!

"Drive me!"

He only heard Xiao Yu's sudden roar, and an invisible power like a torrent burst out of him.

Even though everyone was far apart, they still felt an extremely heavy power in the space where Xiao Yu was.

This kind of power is as if ten thousand tons of water from the North Ming had been instilled.

Two hundred times the gravity!

"Boom bang bang!"

Under this pressure, Xiao Yu finally urged a stronger gravity than before.

I saw Xiao Yu's whole body bulging blue veins violently, and his entire body seemed to have been instilled with some kind of power and became extremely swollen.

His whole body has soared by three points!

This is because, coupled with his own gravity, Xiao Yu can bear 400 times the gravity!

If it were under normal circumstances, even under the full strength in the late Yuan Soul Realm, it would be instantly crushed into powder.

But Xiao Yu did not.

Just because his body is not an ordinary body!

The skin of Xiao Yu's whole body became flushed, and the bulging face couldn't recognize the outline of Xiao Yu's face at all.

It seemed that Xiao Yu's body would explode with just one touch point.

But Xiao Yu still moved his steps.

Step on the right foot first, and step on the left foot later.

Finally, Xiao Yu stood on the 500th step!

"He did it!" Gongsun Jin stood up for the first time, with a shocked expression on his face.

They originally thought that Xiao Yu could achieve one hundred and ninety-nine times the gravity in such a short period of time.

However, Xiao Yu once again surpassed everyone's imagination.

With his amazing talents, his super sentiment towards the spiritual creatures of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and the power of the law of space, broke through some shackles again at the last moment!

Chu Dongmen's eyes showed a look of wonder and admiration.

Zhang Cheng's eyes were like bright stars.

Bu Yun and Lao Liu shook their heads in shock.

Cangling Academy is going to be a dragon!


When Xiao Yu stood on the five hundredth step, the step would eventually bounce across.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yu also slowly landed following the pile of rubble.

His body began to deflate, and he didn't look swell anymore.

Together with his skin that seemed to be dripping blood, it no longer flushed, and immediately turned into a white jade skin color.


However, Xiao Yu was still sweating profusely, panting heavily, and the floor was covered with sweat on his body.

"Finally succeeded." Although Xiao Yu was very tired, his whole body was excited.

Two hundred times the external gravity!

This is a great help to him in the battle!

At this moment, Zhang Cheng came over, with a look of horror on his face.

"Unexpectedly, you made it through."

Xiao Yu scolded with a smile, and said, "Isn't it supposed to say that your goal is not successful?"

Zhang Cheng glanced at Xiao Yu, shrugged, and said, "If I didn't push your potential like this, I'm afraid you won't be able to take that step in a few months."

Xiao Yu was startled, and then nodded undeniably.

Yes, the power of space is one of the two strongest forces in the world, and it is very difficult to understand even a little bit more.

Don't underestimate the two hundred times the gravity of the last step just now, it looks just a little bit more than the 499th step.

But in fact, if you want to really take that step, you must cross a distance like a chasm!

"Okay, what should guide you, I have done it, and the rest will depend on the method I teach you to continue to understand. As your cultivation level improves, your understanding of the power of the law of space will become more and more. As for how far you can go, it's up to you."

Xiao Yu nodded heavily, his eyes full of fighting spirit again.

He couldn't help looking at those figures on some kind of mountain peak in the distance, and those people also cast him approving eyes.

"I will prove it to you, your vision is correct!"


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