Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5148: The Three Martial Arts of Shennong Mainland

On the way, Xiao Yu learned some general information about Shennong Mainland.

Shennong Continent is centered on the Shennong Temple, with the Hua family as the largest family.

Among them, there are three sects such as "Xuanmen Dao", "Leiyinshan", and "Tiandaozong".

These three sects are naturally not as large as the five major temples, but they also maintain the safety of the entire Shennong Continent.

In terms of overall strength, any one of the three main sects can slaughter the Shennong Hall, because the Shennong Hall is some alchemists who have no power to bind chickens, and can only use some alchemy fire to resist.

However, the situation of Shennong Temple is the scent of the three major sects leaning on Shennong Temple.

Just because Shennong Temple not only specializes in training alchemists, its inner treasures and panacea are the cultivation resources needed by countless cultivators throughout the Shennong Continent.

You know, Shennong Continent's overall power and law oppression are only a little bit above the middle in the Seventy-two Great Heavens World, but Shennong Temple is famous in the Nine Heavens World. Who doesn't want to curry favor?

Therefore, the nature of Shennong Hall is similar to the Mu Family in the Coffin Continent, but Shennong Palace is different from the Mu Family. The former firmly controls the lifeline of many practitioners in the entire Shennong Continent.

As the largest tycoon family, the Hua Clan struggled not with the strength of cultivation, but the population and its huge alchemy.

Shennong Temple has more than one hundred thousand years. Whether it is a collateral bloodline or a direct bloodline, the Hua family has always selected only the best soul practitioners to enter the Shennong Temple.

According to the talents of the soul after awakening, the Hua family will divide the status and cultivation resources according to the level of soul talent.

Those who have not awakened their souls, or those with low soul talents, the former will be transferred to other schools to practice.

Other souls with low talents will allocate resources based on their talents.

Of course, as the first family of the Coffin Mainland, the Hua family is not only because of their collateral family population, but also because there are countless families who want to vassalize the Hua family and then marry the Hua family.

It can be said that this 10,000-year-old family has a profound foundation and even spreading tentacles, which is more than ten times stronger than the Mu Family in the Coffin Continent.

The Mu Family only has the blessing of a strong soul realm, but what about Shennong Continent?

It can be said that as long as they want, there are ten or twenty strong souls, and they can all make them willing to work for Shennongdian.

This is the power of Shennongdian.

On the way.

Chen Ling sighed: "Xuanmen Dao, Lei Yinshan, and Tian Dao Sect, although they are attached to the Hua family, they have been in our agricultural mainland for tens of thousands of years. Many of them are stronger than the Tibetan Dao."

Xiao Yu nodded secretly in his heart.

Shennong Continent claims to be a city. This Chen Ling is the lord of Nankun City, but only the cultivation base of the early stage of Huayu Realm.

According to Chen Ling, Nankun City is only a medium-sized existence in the entire Shennong Continent.

It is conceivable that the cultivation enthusiasm of the entire Shennong Continent will not be too high.

Even if it is as strong as Shennongdian can refining countless elixir, how can Shennongdian be so stupid to give the real precious elixir to the three main sects?

The three main sects just drank a little soup.

The ambition and goal of Shennong Temple is this continent, but the peerless powerhouses of those stronger and higher continents.

But the Three Martial Arts had to rely on Shennongdian.

Because even some scraps, or some low-level spirit pills, for these sects and cultivators, they are all great medicines!

Check and balance!

This Shennong Temple deserves to be the largest alchemy family.

"Xuanmen Dao, Lei Yinshan, Tian Dao Sect, these three martial arts will send people over?" Xiao Yu asked.


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