Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5149: Canglan River situation

It is said that there will be a large number of native Tianjiao in the evolution of the Ice Soul Xuan Python this time, and even Tianjiao from the other four major temples will go there.

That was a rare opportunity to contact these arrogances.

After all, it won't be many months before Xiao Yu will participate in the competition of the five great temples. This is also a warm-up in advance.

Of course, this time the evolution of the Ice Soul Xuan Python, the cultivation base of the coming Tianjiao will definitely not be weak.

Xiao Yu learned from Chen Ling that each of these Tianjiao had the same cultivation base as a city lord, at least they started in the Huayu realm, and there were many Yuanpu realms, and even the existence of the Taoist realm.

You know, the cultivation base of the Tibetan Dao realm can already be regarded as the cultivation base of the elder's position among the three sects of Shennong Continent.

"However, for the evolution of the Ice Soul Xuanbo, the elders of the Three Martial Arts will definitely leave." Chen Ling said.

Xiao Yu nodded and said, "Although the three sects are attached to the Shennong Temple to some extent, they are also hindering each other and all want to win the favor of the Shennong Temple."

Chen Ling was a little surprised that Xiao Yu was meticulous, and nodded: "Yes, the entire Shennong Continent knows that Shennongdian has accepted the commission of the powerhouse of the spirit realm, and Shennongdian doesn't need to do anything at all, naturally there will be three The masters of the martial arts seized them for them."

"If anyone wins the Ice Soul Xuanlong, which school will be favored by the Shennong Temple, the status will naturally rise, this is an opportunity."

Xiao Yu became even more curious about the behemoth Shennong Temple.

The so-called conspiracy, but Shennong Palace does not even have to plot, and all the masters of the three major sects will work for them.

This is the power of these giants in Nine Heavens World.

"However, if the Ice Soul Mystic Anaconda really succeeds in evolving, it must be a battlefield for the power of the hidden Taoist domain." Xiao Yu said calmly.

This reminded him of the scene where he played against the dark dragon.

At that time, he tried his best, but he was still only hurting the fourteenth dark earth dragon.

In the end, the power of the dragon bloodline was still used to kill the dark earth dragon.

If the ice soul mysterious python evolves successfully, it will not be ranked forty-seven. Even if it was inferior to the Nether Leopard, Scarlet Flame Beast and other demonic beasts at the time.

However, the Ice Soul Xuanlong possesses the blood of the Dragon Race, and it is also an acquired monster! It is an existence that can evolve into a stronger monster.

Once the Ice Soul Xuanlong has evolved, it is equivalent to evolving in the direction of the dragon clan.

Like that day, the dark earth dragon had already grown wings. This is the powerful talent of higher bloodlines.

Anyone who came here to **** the Ice Soul Xuanlong would naturally like this.

Regardless of the fact that the Ice Soul Xuanlong has just completed its evolution, its power will be weakened, and it is thought that Yuan Soul Realm can be obtained. This is wishful thinking.

It is precisely because the Ice Soul Xuanlong has the blood of the dragon clan, this level of preciousness will definitely attract people in the realm of Tibetan Tao to take action.

"It's really interesting. The Shennong Temple is going to fight against the five great temples." Xiao Yu squinted his eyes, meaning.

Tianjiao from other colleges will inevitably do everything for the ice soul profound dragon.

But Shennong Continent, the three local sects, will not sit back and watch, and it is definitely the Eight Immortals who cross the sea to show their magical powers.

"Yeah, yeah!" Chen Xianger also interrupted, with a yearning in his eyes, "Canglan River will definitely be very lively, and I can also see many geniuses!"

"Big brother, will you also participate in the competition?" Chen Xianger looked up expectantly and looked at Xiao Yu.

Chen Ling couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yu at this time.


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