Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5150: Xuan Men Dao Wang Qing (Part 1)

Chen Ling couldn't help looking at Xiao Yu curiously.

He himself was the cultivation base in the early stage of Huayu Realm, but he couldn't see through Xiao Yu, the opponent was the cultivation base of Yuanpa Realm in all likelihood.

But this kind of cultivation base, if put in normal times, it would definitely be regarded as a heavenly arrogant.

But this time the evolution of the Canglan River Ice Soul Black Python was different from the past.

Peerless geniuses from the three major sects and elite children from the five major temples will come. It must be a battle between dragons and tigers, which is very lively and will cause huge fluctuations.

The cultivation base of the Yuanpu realm is at most just participation, and those who can truly capture the ice dragon is definitely the pinnacle of the Yuanpu realm, or the existence of the domain of the Tibetan Dao.

Xiao Yu smiled and wiped Chen Xiang'er's head, and said, "Brother is not just to participate, I must get the Ice Soul Xuanlong."

Chen Ling could still remain calm, but his pupils shrank.

This guy has such a big tone!

"Could it be the child of which family of the hidden world? There is such a crazy talk."

Originally, Chen Ling still had a good impression of Xiao Yu, but he couldn't help but shook his head slightly, as if he felt that Xiao Yu was a bit exaggerated.

Xiao Yu didn't say anything when he saw this, but Chen Xianger's eyes widened and shouted: "Wow! My brother is amazing! Xianger will support you."

This little girl didn't know what was wrong, she seemed to trust Xiao Yu very much, and she seemed to feel a strong affinity from Xiao Yu.

This is naturally a kind of peace and tranquility that Aoki Eucharist brings to the individual.

The power of the green wood is the sublimation power of the power of the wood attribute, and the green wood sacred body is even much stronger than the life spirit body.

Therefore, Xiao Yu is easy to give people a good impression, especially to some young children who are still growing up.

Chen Ling didn't say anything. In any case, Xiao Yu was already in the Yuanpu realm when he was in his early twenties. This is absolutely rare in dozens of cities with a radius of thousands of miles.

Being able to have the honor to invite to your own mansion, whether it is for the prestige of their Chen family, or for the Tao, it is of great benefit.

It's just that Xiao Yu said that he must get the Ice Soul Xuanlong, he was just a kind of ambition in the youthful spirit.

If you really want to obtain the Ice Soul Xuanlong, it is impossible.

Let alone the Tianjiao of the local area and the five major temples, and the elders of the three major sects, this has discouraged countless people.

"Big brother, my sister is the inner sect of the palace lord of the Heavenly Dao Palace, and she looks good. She also said that she will take me in to practice after this incident." Chen Xianger looked very excited, and her big eyes blinked.

"Oh?" Xiao Yu was curious.

Chen Ling next to her also showed a touch of pride, and immediately smiled: "That is my eldest daughter. She entered the Heavenly Dao Palace very early to practice, and her cultivation level is also in the Yuan Po realm. I heard that it has reached the middle of the Yuan Po realm."

After all, Chen Ling looked at Xiao Yu intentionally or unintentionally, as if he wanted to know Xiao Yu's true cultivation.

The latter just nodded slightly without saying anything.

Xiao Yu's strength made Chen Ling even more puzzled. He thought about it, and finally asked, "Little brother, I don't know what kind of school your master is, so that you can cultivate a talent like a little brother."

After all, in Shennong Continent at this age, all schools focus on cultivating children, or they are candidates for the next head teacher.

Xiao Yu smiled and said simply: "Not enough."

Chen Ling couldn't tell that Xiao Yu didn't want to tell him the truth, so he didn't ask much.

"It seems that it should be as I expected, it should be the child of some hidden world family." Chen Ling thought to himself.

Suddenly, a big bird passed by in the sky and landed towards them.

Chen Ling took a look, her face suddenly a little ugly, and Chen Xianger's face was a little frightened, hiding behind Xiao Yu.

"Isn't this Senior Chen, the lord of Nankun City? I didn't expect to meet you here."


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