Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5156: He can't even take a punch from me

The palm that Xiao Yu stretched out was flawless, like a piece of jade.

He clenched his five fingers into a fist and traversed directly over a dozen meters, only to see that Wang Qing didn't even scream, and he was beaten to flesh and blood.

When Bai Su reacted, there was already a piece of blood foam in front of him. He only waved his sleeves, and all the blood foam was shaken away by his body protection spirit.

But this also angered Bai Su, and Qi He was also furious.

A Tianjiao in the late stage of Huayu Realm, this is considered a leader among countless young people in Shennong Continent.

Moreover, with Wang Qing's talent, as long as it is more than three to five years, he can definitely step into the Yuanpa Realm.

At that time, Xuan Men Dao will have a more talented Tianjiao.

Because being able to be promoted to the Yuanpa Realm is equivalent to seeing the Divine Soul Realm for the first time, and there will be greater opportunities to step into this realm in the future.

But this kind of Tianjiao with infinite potential was killed like this.

There was a dead silence in the audience, and all of them looked at Xiao Yu in disbelief.

On the one hand, they were shocked by Xiao Yu's strength, and punched the late stage of the blasting feather stage. What is this concept?

That was at least the cultivation base of the early or middle Yuan soul realm!

Secondly, he was frightened by Xiao Yu's meaninglessness.

This is the arrogant of Xuan Men Dao, kill it if you say it!

Thirdly, their hearts suddenly sank to the bottom, Wang Qing was killed, Xuanmen Dao will surely anger them.

This is equivalent to they offended Xuan Men Dao in disguise!

"It's miserable, our Nankun City is in danger." The elder of the City Lord's Mansion turned pale suddenly.

"Boy, you're looking for death!!" Qi He suddenly became furious.

Bai Su's face was full of killing intent, and said: "Boy, you are indeed very strong. It is Wang Qing who has eyes but no knowledge of Mount Tai. But he is always a child of my school, how do you explain to us!"

Although Bai Su was furious, he was still somewhat sensible.

Xiao Yu was so shocked as soon as he took action. This cultivation level was extremely shocking to him as an elder.

Even Qi He in the middle of the Yuan Soul Realm didn't make Bai Su feel invisible.

But this person gave him this feeling.

Xiao Yu sneered and said, "Explain? A Huayu realm who dares to be presumptuous in front of me, how can I not kill?"

The whole audience gasped.

In the world of Nine Heavens, power is always supreme. Whoever has the biggest fist has the last word.

But Wang Qing is backed by Xuan Men Dao!

One of the three sects of Shennong mainland!

There was an elder like Bai Su beside him!

Bai Su was furious, he didn't say too much, he wanted to show some affection.

But the other party didn't even dare to feel any affection.

As the elder of Xuan Men Dao, Bai Su's face does not exist, and his majesty does not exist.

"You're looking for death!!" Bai Su was angrily, his cultivation in the late Yuan soul realm burst out.

All the food on the tables and tables in the entire banquet venue was turned into powder, everyone was forced to retreat again and again by this force and retreat to the corner of the wall.

"Don't say that I won't give you a chance. If you can defeat Qi He, I won't investigate Wang Qing!" Bai Su's eyes were cold.

After all, he was one of the elders of Xuan Men Dao, and if he directly attacked a reserve, he would be disdainful.

And Qi He is also the top three arrogant of their Xuanmen Dao, if he takes the shot, it is the most suitable.

And he is very confident in Qihe.

If this person had a background, Qi He would also be able to become famous in Shennong Continent after Qi He defeated him.

Who knows, Xiao Yu glanced at Qi He and said contemptuously, "He? I can't even take a punch from me."



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