Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5157: Beat Qi He

The entire banquet venue gasped again.

Qi He has a great reputation among the three sects, and he can even squeeze into the top ten of the younger generation in Shennong Continent!

He cultivated in the middle stage of the Yuanpa realm, and he could even contend with the ordinary Yuanpa realm in the late stage.

But in front of this kid, he was said to be unable to take a punch?

Chen Ling's expression was a little shocked, is this person arrogant or confident?

Punch! ?

Bai Su dare not say that here!

"Good good!"

Bai Su smirked and said: "I don't know where you come from. You are the madest person I have ever seen. But no matter how mad, you must have the strength to support you. If you lose with a punch If you can't get Qihe, I will take your soul out so that you can't fall into reincarnation for every lifetime!"

"Hiss~~" Everyone gasped.

Bai Su is obviously really angry!

Xiao Yu said indifferently: "If I can beat him with one punch, you Xuanmen Dao swear never to be embarrassed with the Chen family."

"I Bai Su swear that if I violate it, I will be hit by five thunders!" Bai Su also responded directly, but this sentence was almost spit out through gritted teeth.

He can keep his promises, but he absolutely cannot tolerate the domineering generations humiliating them, or even humiliating their children!

"Qihe!" Bai Su called out in a deep voice.

Even if Bai Su didn't speak, Qi He would definitely go all out.

Defeating yourself with one blow is impossible unless it is the existence of the domain of the Tibetan Tao.

And the domain of Taoism hides itself with its own Taoism, and its aura is extremely obscure.

The youth's breath can only be said to be mediocre, and it hasn't reached the level that makes people feel obscure.

Only relying on these to dare to say that defeating yourself in the middle of the Yuan soul realm with one punch is simply absurd!

Because he is not comparable to Wang Qing's late stage of Huayu Realm.

Xiao Yu looked at Qi He and said, "You have to be clear. If I blow out with this punch, maybe I will beat you to death. Do you really want to take it?"

With such humiliating words, Chen Ling and the others were suddenly shocked.

However, Qi He could no longer hold back, he roared suddenly, and then rushed towards Xiao Yu.

At this time, Xiao Yu also punched again.

Jin Guang condensed crazily in his hands, and an extremely domineering force surged out crazily.

The power of martial arts!

However, Xiao Yu didn't open up the seventy heart veins, because in his opinion, the seventy heart veins could already compete with the realm of Tibetan Dao, and there was no need to deal with a Qi River.

He directly urges sixty heart pulses.

"Hunyuan Mingquan!"

A terrifying aura fluctuated suddenly, but this time it was different from the San Mingquan that Zecan vomited blood.

That day, Xiao Yu not only mobilized the power of the memory bloodline, but also blocked Zecan with the real realm. This weakened a lot of Zecan's power, and only then did Zecan vomit blood with three punches.

At that time, all 67 heart veins were opened.

And now, even though it has sixty-five heart pulses and only one punch, the condensed degree of this punch does not have the difference that day.

There is not much momentum, and some are just a condensed boxing style in it.

Qi He's pupils suddenly shrank. Before the fist style arrived, he already felt the great pressure enveloped.

Bai Su's expression also changed, and Qi He roared, his whole body exploded, his power spared no effort to urge it out, and the same sky-level fist blasted out.

But this fist style didn't even stop for a second, and it was directly blown by Xiao Yu with a punch.

This golden fist style was also like a broken bamboo, and a sound of "boom" was applied to Qi He's chest.


Qi He's pupils shrank, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, he was directly blasted out of the lobby, and then hit the small courtyard wall.

The audience was dead again.

One punch, and then defeat the late stage of Yuanpajing!


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