Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5172: Suppress the Ice Soul Xuanlong

The entire ground shook violently, and the vibration affected a radius of hundreds of miles.

The earth splits, the rivers roar, and the void shakes.

All the Tianjiao couldn't stand still, they flew up one after another, and barely stabilized their figures.

But even so, the entire scene of the Ice Soul Profound Dragon falling from the sky really shocked them.

To be precise, this was shaken down by Xiao Yu's aura!

But how is this possible! ?

Everyone looked at the figure shrouded in golden light all over his body, and these Tianjiao felt a kind of power that made people palpitation.

That body like a god, with its feet on the sky, makes everyone look up to the sky.

Xiao Yu was the star of the most attention at this time.

But everyone was shocked. This person was obviously unknown, but he stepped in the air, the powerful Ice Soul Xuanlong, which was completely different from his previous image.

Chen Xianger's eyes flickered, and she said in surprise, "I didn't get to the big brother first!"

Chen Xinling was also completely stunned.

Everyone thought that Xiao Yu was looking for death, but Xiao Yu used his actions to prove to them that this is power, a power that they can't reach!


But the Ice Soul Xuanlong is the overlord after all.

The forty-seventh ranking of the sky list gives him the power to overlook the earth of sentient beings. Even if he has just evolved and his breath power is unstable, how he willingly yields.

The body of the Ice Soul Xuanlong that had been lying on the ground suddenly glowed with thousands of icy blue rays. His huge head was trying to resist these huge pressures and kept his head up.


But how could Xiao Yu make him struggle so easily, he snorted, Long Tunqi suddenly urged, and another power that shook the sky and the earth was directly crushed down like three thousand waterfalls.


The entire body of the Ice Soul Xuanlong plunged directly into the ground several tens of meters, and thousands of cracks spread in the surrounding ground, as if the earth was about to start to crack.

Finally, the arrogant head plunged directly into the ground.


These arrogant people who watched the excitement suddenly took a breath.

The Ice Soul Xuanlong, which was shocking all directions just now, is now lying on its stomach like a dead dog.

And it's what this Yuanpao realm youth did!

Chen Xinling took a deep breath, seeing Xiao Yu's eyes changed.

Who would have thought that such a guy could possess such a powerful force!

But the next moment, she seemed to think of something, and she had a bad premonition in her heart.

Xiao Yu landed directly from the sky, and the golden light on his body was still shining like a god.

The Ice Soul Xuanlong had just completed its evolution, and his power would take some time to consolidate.

But in any case, he couldn't imagine that he was meant to show his world pressure, but he was ruthlessly suppressed.

No, the power in his body was finally suppressed.

At this time, he fell into a state of power disorder.

On the one hand, it was suppressed by Xiao Yu's dragon blood.

On the other hand, the power of his body needs some time to cultivate during the outbreak just now.

Therefore, it can be felt that the breath of the Ice Soul Xuanlong is restrained like a tide, and it is almost motionless like a dead insect.

Only Jiang Zhong and Liu Haosheng's eyes lit up.

Xiao Yu's crackdown was undoubtedly the restraint of accelerating the power of the ice soul profound dragon.

Simply put, now is the weakest moment of the Ice Soul Xuanlong!

"Sure enough! They are about to move!" Chen Xinling looked at Jiang Zhong and the others, frowning.

As long as anyone with a little eye can see, the Ice Soul Xuanlong is the weakest moment at this time! It's the best time to capture!

"He doesn't know what secret method he used to suppress the Ice Soul Xuanlong, but this is a side-by-side approach. Even if his cultivation is really in the late Yuan Soul Realm, or the Yuan Soul Realm peak, he will not be Jiang Zhong's opponents. Yes." Chen Xinling I shook my head slightly.

Sure enough, Lu Junxiu was the first to stand up.

"Boy, get out of here, this is not where you stay!"


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