Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5173: Have you said enough

Lu Junxiu apparently also noticed that Xiao Yu's cultivation base just now had at least the cultivation base of the middle stage and even the latter stage of the yuan soul state.

Like everyone else, although he didn't know what secret technique Xiao Yu used, he could feel that Xiao Yu's cultivation base was not too powerful.

And they have so many Yuanpa realms, as well as Tianjiao who reach the realm of Tibetan Taoism, and even people from the four major temples. Even if this person shocked everyone at the beginning, but really wanted to obtain the Ice Soul Profound Dragon, then It is not so easy.

Xiao Yuli didn't even pay attention to Lu Junxiu, but looked at the ice soul profound dragon, with golden light in his eyes.

The Ice Soul Xuanlong was the weakest time at this time, so naturally it was the most suitable time for beheading.

However, Xiao Yu felt that behind him there were already more than ten sharp sword-like auras locking him.

They are Jiang Zhong, Yu Jingqi, Wu Chao...

There are also Liu Haosheng, Fu Zhen, Yi Xuyun, and Shui Xingya.

These ten Tianjiao, each of them are extremely strong, and on the surface they only have the cultivation base of the pinnacle of the Yuan soul realm, but at least several of them can be sure that they have stepped into the realm of Tibetan Tao.

But would Xiao Yu be afraid?

the answer is negative.

However, Jiang Zhong and others were very shrewd. They didn't do anything immediately, but watched the changes, but their strength was gathering.

As long as Xiao Yu has any trouble, they will definitely use their full strength to **** this Ice Soul Profound Dragon at all costs.

It's just that they don't want to be this early bird.

Had it not been for Lu Junxiu's disapproval of Xiao Yu just now, he would not stand up now.

However, Lu Junxiu also knew that he was backed by Jiang Zhong and other Lei Yinshan's children, and he did not dare to measure what he would do to him.

"Boy, are you deaf? Give you ten seconds to get out of here immediately, or you will kill me!" Lu Jun stood a step forward, his fluffy hair burst, his whole body shone with thunder, his aura was amazing.

This is the power of Leiyinshan, the entire sect practiced by the thunder system.

Although Lu Junxiu is not as good as Jiang Zhong in possessing the body of Lei Yin, he is also the second-ranked child in the sect. His talent cultivation is extremely terrifying, and his combat power can reach the pinnacle of Yuanpu realm.

Everyone looked at Xiao Yu with cold eyes.

The hand that Xiao Yu had just shocked everyone, but now the fight for this Ice Soul Profound Dragon is a matter of power, and it can't be done by one person.

In the four major temples, some of them frowned when they saw Xiao Yu's back.

"Strange, how do I feel that this figure is a bit familiar." Someone was puzzled.

This back figure reminded them of the person who took the entrance exam at the five major temples more than half a year ago.

That person won the first place in the entrance exam by extremely perverted means, and also killed Gu Xichun, and gained some good luck in the entrance exam.

A young man next to him whispered: "Junior Brother, at the time we went to participate in the entrance examination of the five Shen Shenyuan together, do you think this figure is familiar?"

These two were old students of Yunsheng Academy. Although they hadn't met that person at the time, they had also seen the style of that person.

"Well, but he can't be here, right? How long is this? How can he become so powerful?"

"I also think so, that guy does look a little like this person, but this person looks much better." The person said.

Although they didn't want to admit it, Xiao Yu was indeed too handsome.

Sword eyebrows and star eyes, face like a crown jade, well-proportioned and long, with a temperament different from ordinary people at every turn.

Hearing Lu Junxiu's questioning, Xiao Yu still did not speak.

But the former suddenly became furious.

Chen Xinling frowned, doesn't this guy still know the situation? This is Lei Yinshan giving him a way to survive!

Chen Xianger grabbed Chen Xinling nervously, with an anxious expression on her face.

Lu Junxiu was furious. He swept forward, only a few tens of meters away from Xiao Yu. He coldly shouted: "I'll give you three more seconds. If you don't answer, please stop blaming me for it!"

Finally, Xiao Yu turned around and looked at Lu Junxiu with no sadness or joy in his eyes, and said, "Have you said enough?"

As soon as Lu Junxiu was about to speak, Xiao Yu said, "If you say enough, go and die."


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