Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5174: Squeeze

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Yu was caught at Lu Junxiu.

A terrifying blue light diffused from Xiao Yu's hand, and a giant blue hand seemed to have traveled through the distance of several tens of meters and enveloped Lu Junxiu in the blink of an eye.

Lu Junxiu's pupils shrank suddenly, and the gleam of light gave him a kind of **** of ten thousand years, and the attitude of overlooking sentient beings was inside, and everything seemed incomparably small.

Amazingly, it is the power of Aoki Eucharist.

Lu Junxiu could imagine that if he was caught by this giant hand, he would peel off if he died.

Lu Junxiu's whole body strength suddenly rose, and he was about to retreat violently, but how did he know that the space around him actually seemed to freeze.

"How is it possible!?" Lu Junxiu's pupils suddenly shrank.

In the next instant, his figure was grabbed by a big hand, and he couldn't break free no matter how hard he struggled.

Xiao Yu calmly said: "I've long seen you not pleasing to your eyes. If you don't kill you, it doesn't mean you can't be killed."

The whole audience was shocked.

Lu Junxiu is a top ten existence in the Shennong mainland native Tianjiao in the late Yuan Po realm, but under the palm of the opponent, he can't even struggle at all!

"Boy, let me go if you know me, do you know who I am? I am the nephew of Master Lei Yinshan!"

Lu Junxiu was furious, and his fluffy hair began to shoot out lightnings, and the thunder attribute spiritual power of the heaven and earth spiritual power was madly restored, and soon his whole body was flashing with thunder.

"Lei Yin Tiangong!" Someone recognized it.

The power of Leiyinshan lies in the fact that all the children practice Leiyin Tiangong.

This kind of cultivation method is said to have been passed on to the founder of Leiyin Mountain by a powerful **** patterned person with the lightning attribute in the ancient times, and then Leiyin Mountain was born.

It's just that Xiao Yu glanced, with contempt in his eyes.

"Before I came here, I heard about Lei Yinshan of you. I didn't expect this to be what you call Lei Yin Tiangong? It's just a half-residual skill that absorbs lightning attributes."

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Yu's thoughts moved, and the giant blue light hand shook without hesitation.

Lei Yinshan's Jiang Zhong's pupils shrank and he yelled, "No!!"


Seeing a blood jet spouting out, Lu Junxiu instantly turned into meat sauce.

In an instant, the whole audience became quiet.

Chen Xinling was even more dull.

In the late stage of the Yuan Soul Realm, he was crushed by life!

How can she imagine that in her opinion, the guy who can't compete with Jiang Zhong and others at all, once shot, made the power to shake the world!

At this moment, Jiang Zhong, Yu Jingqi, Wu Chao and other local Tianjiao pupils did not consciously burst.

Even if any one of them were to kill Lu Junxiu, he would not be able to take it without ten rounds.

But this guy does it!

It was Li Haosheng and other students from the four major temples that showed amazement without looking in their eyes.

In this battle between the Ice Soul Xuanlong, such an evil spirit has appeared!

Obviously, they have also seen that this person is definitely not a native talent of Shennong Continent.

If they were really from Shennong Continent, then they would definitely not make such a bold move. Isn't this the equivalent of offending the entire Leiyin Mountain?


Suddenly, the power of thunder and lightning erupted from Jiang Zhong's body. He was furious with anger, and his long hair flashed like thunder.

"Boy, you actually killed my younger brother!! Lei Yinshan and you are immortal!!" A pressure that seemed to fall from the sky suddenly shrouded.

Everything within a kilometer of a radius became a sea of ​​thunder and lightning, and even the dark clouds in the sky became a thundercloud by itself.

The double coercion shrouded directly.

"The realm of hidden Tao!" Someone suddenly started in an uproar.

This son is in danger!


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