Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5179: Fight the three great arrogances

Lin Bijie sits in a jade-green gown, and the whole person has the softness of water spiritual power.

Her eyes are like water, seeming to contain supreme water system spiritual power in it.

"Although you don't have the power of awakening the water system **** pattern, you still have a hint of water system spirit body, which is not bad." Xiao Yu talked freely and nodded slightly.

Lin Bijie's turquoise eyes flashed with a shock.

Her water system spirit body has always been a secret in the door, and few people know it.

This person could see through at a glance, how strong this keen perception is.

The people below all marveled at the profound knowledge of Qi Cheng, Li Dongtian and Lin Bijie.

But some people were shocked that Xiao Yu was able to maintain a calm posture in front of these three Taishan general arrogances.

Of course, the children of Lei Yinshan, Tiandaozong, and Xuanmendao all sneered.

The three great arrogances shot at the same time, is this guy not dead this time?

Chen Xianger's eyes showed infinite worry.

Chen Xinling's eyes flickered, but there was a certain sadness deep in her eyes.

Xiao Yu is indeed covering the sky with only one hand, with high strength.

But since he killed Lu Junxiu and Lu Zhen, his fate was destined to go nowhere.

Leaving aside the arrogances present, the elders of the three major sects in the distance are all staring at them.

How can one person contend this kind of power?

Even if it is Jizo or Tianzang, it is hard to escape bad luck here.

"I hope he will run away if he loses, and there is still a glimmer of life." Chen Xinling sighed and said.

Only escape is Xiao Yu's only vitality.

But the next moment, Xiao Yu said directly: "Let's shoot together."


Qi Cheng's eyes dazzled, and his figure quickly retreated with the help of the force of the formation.

The three seemed to have a tacit understanding. As Qi Cheng retreated, Li Dongtian and Lin Bijie immediately moved forward.

After all, they are the Tianjiao who are sitting on the side. The soul, combat awareness, cooperation and so on do not need to communicate in advance, and they can adapt to the situation and the enemy.

Qi Cheng's Fayin changed, and only a stream of light from his body soared up into the sky, and immediately circled in the air, turning into a colorful streamer, directly acting on Li Dongtian and Lin Bijie.

"Seven Rainbows Battle! I heard that this kind of battle formation can increase the combat effectiveness of teammates by up to half!" Someone exclaimed.

Obviously, Qi Cheng almost used the strongest battle formation as soon as he came up. Of course, this kind of battle formation was auxiliary.

Although the battle formation is famous for its "war", the auxiliary force of the battle formation is much stronger than the ordinary auxiliary formation.

Just because the battle formation is to condense with battle spirits to enhance the overall fighting momentum.

Although Qi Cheng hadn't used his assassin's power-the power of battle soul, the power of such an auxiliary battle formation was evident.

Sure enough, the golden light on Li Dongtian's body flashed like a small sun, and countless Buddhist powers poured out like the Yellow River flooding.

Lin Bijie's body was full of blue light, and countless Yangtze Rivers entangled her.

The combat effectiveness of the two has reached the peak of human possession!


The battle intent in Xiao Yu's eyes gradually rose.

"It is indeed the arrogant talent of Shennong Continent."

"War!" Li Dongtian suddenly let out a soft cry.

He saw the change of his signature, and a light wheel rose from behind him, like a big sun, flying towards Xiao Yu.

Lin Bijie was not to be outdone, the spiritual power of the water system turned into a monstrous beast, and he was about to swallow it in one bite.

All of a sudden, the sky trembled, like a hundred thousand mountains suppressing it, pressing everyone to hold their breath.


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