Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5180: The power of looking up

Lin Bijie's offensive was the first to rush over.

But it was seen that the mighty offensive of the waves turned into a wild beast and crashed over.

The pure water system spiritual power is condensed in the air, as if the sea water is inverted.

This is the water system spirit skill that the Lin family is good at, and it has reached the level of quasi-celestial level!

But Xiao Yu smiled lightly, and he shot it with a palm.

I saw that the giant palm of blue light turned into a hundred-meter-large palm sunflower fan, which was completely transformed into the power of the green wood of the Aoki Saint Body.

Lin Bijie's pretty face changed drastically, this kind of pure wood power turned out to be much deeper than hers!

The extremely pure wood attribute power smashed Lin Bijie's spirit skills like a wild beast.

The pupils of the entire audience shrank slightly.

Xiao Yu's move can be described as destroying the dead, it is simply terrifying to the extreme!

At this time, Li Dongtian also took a step in the air, a small sun-like light wheel resembling the sun, blasting over in a rotating posture, it seemed that even a hill could be blown up.

This is a quasi-preemptive skill of the Datuo Temple, the golden wheel is revolving.

Countless Buddhist sounds vibrated in the air, as if thousands of people chanted.

The technique of Buddhism is a combination of offense and defense, which is extremely difficult. This trick, even if Jiang Zhong and others see it, will have some pressure.


Xiao Yu laughed. He received the power of the Greenwood Saint Body, and in a short time, golden light began to diffuse from him.

The golden light this time is different from the previous dragon power.

As soon as the golden light came out, Xiao Yu's whole person turned into a little sun, a kind of supreme Buddha sound, which seemed to echo in the space.


This is the real chant of thousands of people.

"How is it possible!?" Li Dongtian's pupils shrank.

This is the power of Buddhism, and it is many times more advanced than his!

The first style of the Great Prajna Sutra, the Buddha's light is beginning to appear!

You know, Xiao Yu's Buddhism power has been combined with the Nine Turns Demon Vein Jue to become the power of Buddha Demon.

But it doesn't mean that Xiao Yu, the power of Buddhism, cannot be urged alone.

It's just that the power of Buddha and Demons has to be more abnormal and powerful.

And only by relying on the first form of the Great Prajna Sutra, the Buddha's light appeared, and it was naturally unable to shake Li Dongtian.

"The second form of the Great Prajna Sutra, Buddha Seal!"

Xiao Yu gave a soft drink, his voice vibrated Jiu Xiao, and the echo enveloped kilometers.

He slapped it out, and a Buddha's handprint was rising against the storm, which seemed to crush the space.


Li Dongtian's light wheel was directly exploded, shocked Li Dongtian back several tens of meters, his eyes looked at Xiao Yu incredulously.

Xiao Yu's body was gleaming with golden light, and his whole person was like a **** and Buddha who saved all living beings.

Seeing this, everyone below had a gesture of worshipping.

Lin Bijie and Li Dongtian looked extremely ugly.

Two tricks, the two great arrogances blessed by the battle formation, they can't even take advantage of the other side. Is this guy still a normal person?

Facing Lin Bijie, Xiao Yu used pure spiritual power that was purer than Lin Bijie.

In the face of Li Dongtian, Xiao Yu used more advanced Buddhist techniques than Li Dongtian!

"Who are you!?" Li Dongtian stared at Xiao Yu.

He actually knows Buddhism!

"Ha ha ha!" Xiao Yu smiled faintly, "I am the one you cannot defeat."

A word, full of a kind of calm and self-confidence of the proud of heaven.

Hundreds of young people off the court were all shocked.

The faces of Jiang Zhong and others became more solemn.

This person actually gave them an unstoppable and powerful posture!


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