Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5189: Thunder collision

Xiao Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, and a hint of meaning flashed.

You know, even Gu Xichun from Yunsheng Academy was only a Divine Mark of the Ninth Grade.

But Jiang Zhong's **** pattern has reached the third rank of heaven!

"Heavenly **** pattern, even in our academy, it is an absolute core student." Liu Haosheng took a deep breath, his eyes solemn.

"I heard that some elders in our college had come here and wanted to recruit Jiang Zhong. But the temptation to be the head teacher under Lei Yinshan was attracted, so I didn't succeed in recruiting." A student from Yunsheng Academy said.

Another person from Yunsheng Academy snorted and said: "I don't know what is good or bad, a third-rate head teacher of Shennong Continent, let him give up the great opportunity of spiritual practice?"

"That is, if he comes to our academy, now, more than his current cultivation level?"

"Moreover, our academy was created by gods and possesses the charm of gods!"

In the eyes of these proud Yunsheng College students, as long as they enter their academy, it will take a long time. It is much stronger than the local conditions here.

Wu Chao of Xuanmen Dao listened, and immediately sneered and interjected: "Yunsheng Academy is nothing but Taoism left by gods. If it is so easy to become gods, wouldn't the five great temples be full of gods over the past ten thousand years? The world is down?"

Although Wu Chao and Jiang Zhong are rivals, he is very upset about the faces of the Yunsheng Academy.

Why can your Yunsheng Academy be defiant?

Our Tianjiao in Shennong Mainland is not Tianjiao?

Such words made the faces of the few people in Yunsheng College stagnate, and some glared.

The frosty Yu Jingqi also said coldly: "Whether it is our Tiandaozong, Leiyinshan, or Xuanmen Dao, they are all the branches of the ancient Daoism. They have all been gods in their ancestors. Their qualifications and background are more Much stronger."

Yi Xuyun also sneered and said: "If you are really strong, you won't even be unable to find a spirit realm. We can destroy you with any spirit realm in our five major temples."

"Really?" Wu Chao said indifferently, "We are in the Shennong Continent and are protected by Shennong's remnant thoughts. Didn't your teacher tell you that each of our three sects has inherited guardian formations, even in the spirit realm Can't open?"

"It's just the shelter of Shennong Temple." Liu Haosheng also sneered, and didn't say much immediately.

The Tianjiao on both sides immediately fell into a tense atmosphere of tension.

After all, neither of them looked down on anyone, and they were about to fight.

But at this time, more people's eyes are on the figure in the sky.

"Boy, report your name, I'm afraid no one will know when you die!"

I saw Jiang Zhong's body flashing with thunder, shaking the void, sound like thunder, and aura like a dragon.

"I said, you are not qualified to know."

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Yu didn't talk nonsense, and the power of the purple unicorn gathered on his fist.

The entire purple unicorn behind him also roared and gathered on his fist style.


Xiao Yu took the lead in showing his figure, and struck him with a punch.

The purple unicorn turned into a sky-shaking fist, thunder and lightning vibrated, and the purple unicorn roared, a fierce aura from the wild, blasting over with the power of thunder.

"Da Lei Yin Fist!"

Jiang Zhong also laughed angrily, and then the power of thunder on his fist was strong, and he slammed out.


Jiang Zhong struck out with one punch, covering three hundred squints, shaking thousands of feet with a thought, and the entire space seemed to be shaking for his shot.


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