Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5190: Defeated Jiang Zhong

Obviously, Jiang Zhong's offensive was too strong.

It was launched with the power of the gods, combined with the huge power produced by Leiyinshan's quasi-celestial spirit skills!

With this punch, even people like Wu Chao, Yu Jingqi, Liu Haosheng and others dare not say that they can follow.

"Sure enough, Jiang Zhong is hiding his strength! He didn't try his best just now!" Yu Jingqi took a deep breath, her expression very solemn.

Jiang Zhong is worthy of being the first person in the younger generation of Shennong Continent. With this punch, the elders of Leiyinshan, Xuanmen Dao, and Tiandaozong who watched from a distance were shocked.

They are all people in the Tibetan realm, or strong in the Ksitigarbah.

But with this punch, even if they were ten miles away, they all thought they were inferior.

"Jiang Zhong's punch, even Tianzang can't escape a blow!" The elders with Lei Yinshan were amazed.

"Hahaha! I am worthy of being a genius of Leiyinshan for hundreds of years! After this battle, his realm can definitely rise to the next level!" The white-haired old man laughed.

This person is the great elder of Leiyin Mountain, Wu Shan, although he only has the Ksitigarbha realm, but the elders of other sects around him know that this is because he hides his strength.

His true cultivation base is Tianzang!

"Huh! It's just a dream to want Jiang Zhong's body of Leiyin!"

"Yes, the body of Lei Yin has been combined with Jiang Zhong's blood. How can he deprive him even if he wins?"

"I'm really curious that he has such good fortune, and even possesses the power of the purple unicorn. This is my sect totem. If it is taken back and enshrined, it will be of great fortune to my sect for hundreds of years!"

The eyes of Lei Yinshan's elders all brightened.

Just because they knew how rare the purple unicorn was, they did not stop Jiang Zhong and let Jiang Zhong fight.

Moreover, they are too aware of Jiang Zhong's cultivation.

The opponent is indeed very strong, but under Jiang Zhong's full strength, not to mention using some imperfect power, even if it is full, it may not be Jiang Zhong's opponent.

Jiang Zhong retired just now, but it was just an expedient measure.

After all, there are so many people on the scene, if Jiang Zhong wins the opponent with all his strength, he will inevitably be coveted by others.

Although their Lei Yinshan has this strength to resist the outside world, they don't have to be forced, and they don't want to make the limelight for the time being.

The best way, naturally, is to wait until the young man has captured the Ice Soul Xuanlong, and then Lei Yinshan will hunt down.

Seeing Jiang Zhong's eruption of cultivation base, and thinking of this, the hearts of the elders of Xuan Men Dao and Tian Dao Sect finally reacted.

It turns out that Leiyinshan is the biggest oriole!

Back to the battlefield.

Everyone understood Jiang Zhong's amazing talent and cultivation base, and they were all amazed and eclipsed by his power.

"Sister, who do you think will win, Big Brother and Jiang Zhong?" Chen Xianger asked worriedly.

Chen Xinling looked at the sky with a solemn expression in her eyes.

"If he used the same power he used before, the outcome might be 50-50, but now..."

Chen Xinling sighed slightly.

"You have already won, and there is even a chance to escape. Why do you insist on being so greedy."

Jiang Zhong's hidden strength is obvious to all.

And the horror that Jiang Zhong broke out with all his strength was compared to when Xiao Yu didn't let it go.

But then, a scene that shocked everyone appeared.

Originally thought that Jiang Zhong's Da Lei Yin fist style could swallow Xiao Yu's purple unicorn fist style, but they were all wrong.

I saw Xiao Yu's thunder fist containing the purple unicorn directly smashing Jiang Zhong's fist style, and then, like a broken bamboo, punched Jiang Zhong on the chest.



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