Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5194: Slash Xuanlong with one sword!

At this moment, Xiao Yu's voice came directly.

"Xiang'er, look good, how did my brother cut this monster dragon."

Chen Xianger's eyes suddenly lit up, and her pretty face became very excited.

Chen Xinling was stunned, is he about to start slashing the Ice Soul Xuanlong?

The audience's popularity suddenly stopped.

He is about to start cutting the Ice Soul Xuanlong!

When Xiao Yu was fighting against the seven great arrogances, and beheading Lu Junxiu, Lu Zhen, and Wu Shan one after another, the Ice Soul Xuanlong saw everything in his eyes.

This human being is really terrifying, how can the Ice Soul Xuanlong not be shocked?

At this moment, Xiao Yu even said that he was going to kill himself, how could he not panic.

Its originally oppressive aura began to struggle frantically.

This human being can kill even Tianzang. At this moment, it has just evolved completely and its power is suppressed to death. How is this human opponent?

As Xiao Yu slowly approached, the blue light on the ice soul profound dragon began to condense into chaos.

The dragon's breath shook the ground more and more intensely, and the entire void seemed to be shaking because of the ice soul profound dragon.


The Ice Soul Xuanlong suddenly broke through the oppression, and immediately vacated.

Xiao Yu raised his head and walked towards the sky again.

But seeing Xiao Yu flipping his hand, a long sword glowing with blue light appeared immediately.

Seven Star Sword!

A breath that seems to come from the oldest between heaven and earth spontaneously emerged.

The people present didn't know the Seven Star Sword Master, let alone what the Seven Star Sword was, but they could deeply feel the aura that could cut through the world.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at Xiao Yu. At this moment, Xiao Yu finally moved. His eyes were shining with thousands of lights, almost as dazzling as stars.

At this moment, a light ball suddenly lit up on the body of the Seven Star Sword.

Star Soul!

One-star soul, two-star soul, three-star soul!

This is the first time Xiao Yu has activated the three-star soul!

The sword intent surging to the extreme rushed straight into the sky, covering the space of a kilometer.

There was a look of horror in the eyes of Ice Soul Xuanlong.

It never seemed to feel such a strong sword energy.

Even everyone below was shocked when they felt Xiao Yu's sword intent.

"Extremely strong sword intent, this is stubborn sword intent!"

"You should be proud to die under my Seven-Star Sword." Xiao Yu stared at the Ice Soul Profound Dragon with no expression.

I saw that the Seven Star Sword burst out with bright sword light.

The sword light spread out a hundred meters, as if it had cut the void in half.

"call out!"

The Ice Soul Xuanlong roared, and a blue light shrouded its entire body.

It has just evolved completely, it seems that it can only resist in this way.


However, with Xiao Yu's violent shout, it was like a sword that could divide the earth into two halves, directly breaking the protective mask of the Ice Soul Xuanlong, and then dividing the Ice Soul Xuanlong from the head to the whole body. For two.

Its flesh body, which had just evolved, did not even resist for a moment, and was cut in half by the Seven Star Sword.

The entire ground was cut out a thousand-meter gully.

Good luck Zhong Shenxiu, yin and yang separate!


The Ice Soul Xuanlong erupted with a deafening roar of dragons.

Within a hundred miles, everyone felt trembling and their heads roared.

It's a pity that the Ice Soul Xuanlong was already unable to resist, and suddenly fell from the sky.

One sword, slash Xuanlong!

The venue suddenly became extremely quiet.

When everyone saw this scene, they were all shocked and dumbfounded, as if they were watching some gods descend.

"This is the real arrogance!"


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