Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5195: Xianzo!

Such ability is that any Tianjiao present can not do it.

"When I am compared with him, it is nothing short of a witch." Wu Chao looked up at the sky and sighed.

"Unexpectedly, we are just like ants in his eyes." Yu Jingqi's beautiful eyes appeared silent.

Liu Haosheng and other Tianjiao from the four great temples had to admit that Xiao Yu was really too strong.

Even if it is placed in any of their colleges, it is like a core student!

"Unexpectedly, the biggest variable in Shennong Continent turned out to be him." Liu Haosheng raised his head and stared at the figure.

What if you are not reconciled?

This person has proved everything with his cultivation base.

"So this is your background, no wonder you can be so mad, it seems that I underestimated you." Chen Xinling said faintly with an extremely complicated color on her brows.

It wasn't until this moment that she truly understood that this young man who ignored everything and was incompatible with the people around him really had the ability to dominate the crowd.

And everyone is just Xiao Yu's foil.

Seeing Xiao Yu's move, a light group suddenly flew out of the head of the Ice Soul Xuanlong.


With a move, Xiao Yu put it away.

Then Xiao Yu looked at the flesh body, and said in his heart: "Little dragon, although this flesh body does not have a beast, it is also a great tonic. I will accept it for you."

The beast is where all the essence and consciousness of the beast are.

That is something that contains supreme blood, power, Taoism and so on.

However, the physical body is also a great tonic.

After all, this is already a dragon body with blood!

The dragon scales, dragon bones, dragon meat, dragon blood, etc. inside, as long as the monsters swallow them, they can gain different degrees of strength improvement.

I saw a piece of red light flew out, and then swept across the ice soul profound dragon, and the huge ice soul dragon of justice disappeared.

Xiao Yu felt that a burst of hot energy began to radiate from his body, and it was obvious that the little dragon was absorbing the ice soul profound dragon.

Everyone swallowed their throats unconsciously, looking dumbfounded.

"Ice Soul Profound Dragon... That's it, gone?"

They all seemed unresponsive.

The Ice Soul Xuanlong was still alive a moment ago, but was it killed at this moment?

Suddenly, at this moment, a roar sounded in the distance, and dozens of bodies quickly rushed towards this side.

"Boy, take the spiritual root of my sect disciple, kill my sect elder, and take his life!"

An aura that shook the sky and the earth rushed straight into the sky, and the thunder and lightning roared in the distance, roaring for nine days, as if covering the entire sky.

"Sect Master!" The eyes of Lei Yinshan's children below suddenly brightened.

This voice is surprisingly the voice of their suzerain!

Their Patriarch is here!

Xiao Yu felt a very powerful aura of power, and this power directly reached the pinnacle of the Taoist realm, Xianzang!

The last realm of the Taoist realm is Xianzang, which means to ascend to the sky and comprehend the Supreme Immortal Tao.

The so-called immortal path is a path that is more mysterious and profound than usual.

Although there is still a distance from Shinto, it has also entered a whole new level.

If it is said that only one hundred Yuan Po realm peaks can step into a realm of Tibetan Dao, then Xian Zang is a level that can only be entered into a thousand realms of Tibetan Dao.

That is a transitional realm that hides all the Taoist leaders to a deeper and higher realm!

"Xianzang!" Liu Haosheng and the others also took a deep breath.


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