Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5196: Xiahou Bachun, the lord of Leiyinshan!

Don't say that Xianzang is already the core child of the five main peaks in Cangling Academy.

Even if it is placed in the other four academies, it can be regarded as the absolute pride of heaven.

Although Liu Haosheng and others looked down upon the three major sects of Shennong Continent.

Thinking that no matter how powerful the three sects are, there is no such thing as a powerhouse in the soul realm, which is not a concern at all.

But what they have to deny is that the three sects do have their own background.

Let's not talk about the great formation of the mountain guard that makes the spirit realm afraid.

It is simply the suzerain of these sects, which one is not inherited from the ancient ancestors?

They have powerful magical blades, more like an attack technique like fairy-level spiritual skills.

As soon as Xianzo came out, they had no chance.

I thought that a mere Ice Soul Xuanlong would not lead to a powerhouse of the immortal Tibetan level.

But they seem to be wrong.

Chen Xinling's expression changed, and she quickly spoke to Xiao Yu in the sky: "Go! Jiang Zhong's body of Lei Yin is on you, the lord of Lei Yinshan will not let you go! And you killed Wu Shan, Lei Yin The mountain must not share the same sky with you!"

Hearing Chen Xinling's voice transmission, Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although he is not afraid of the powerhouse of Xianzang level, this is not his own territory, the longer it is, the more dangerous it will be.

Moreover, there are so many powerful people in Leiyin Mountain, so if a swarm of siege comes up, it will be difficult for him to resist.

And also guard against the other two sects that might put Lengjian in the dark.

After all, the ice soul profound dragon's beast is on their own body, how could they allow Xiao Yu to leave like this?

This is what Shennong Temple wants!

As long as you get it, you can give it to Shennong Temple to get shelter of Shennong Temple!

Becoming the first sect is just around the corner!

When Xiao Yu was about to leave, suddenly an angry smile rang out.

"Boy, want to go? It's late! Tianlei square formation!"


With Xiao Yu as the center, a light of thunder suddenly lit up in a space of a hundred meters in radius, and then turned into a thunder barrier to block his own space.

"The power of the law of space!" Xiao Yu's eyes flashed.

The sound is thousands of meters away, but it is possible to activate this kind of enchantment at such a distance. In addition to the power of the law of space, which can penetrate the space, what kind of power can be done with one thought?

Feeling the power of space coming from above, Liu Haosheng and others were startled.

"This kid can't go if he wants to go," Liu Haosheng said coldly.

"He is too arrogant, Lei Yinshan will not let him go." Shui Xingya's beautiful eyes also flashed with a certain indifference.

The people who came out of the four great temples were beyond the comprehension of ordinary people, whether they were insights or patterns.

They know too well how powerful the law of space is.

And Xiao Yu didn't leave, just like that, floating in the air.

After a while, dozens of figures swept over, headed by a middle-aged man in a purple cloud robe.

He rushed into the crown with anger and fighting spirit, his eyes flashing with thunder, his burly body looked like a **** descending to the earth.

This person is the lord of Lei Yinshan, Xiahou Bachun.

"Xiahou Bachun!"

Some children from other sects also recognized this middle-aged man, with a look of fear in their eyes.

This is the contemporary lord of Lei Yinshan, the super power of the three sects.

Even if the supreme master of Xuan Men Dao and Tian Dao Sect was placed next to Xiahou Bachun for comparison, he lost half of his momentum in terms of momentum.

Xiahou Bachun, as his name suggests, is determined to be domineering. Once he appeared on the stage, his domineering aura penetrated the world, covering kilometers, making many people below shiver.

"Boy, hand over the body of Thunder Yin, and return my ice soul profound dragon beast soul. I can just catch you on the wall of the door of Huizong, and spare you not to die!"


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