Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5206: Red Blood Solanum

Shennong Continent is huge, and everywhere is filled with the smell of a kind of herbal medicine.

The two came to an ancient and huge town, intending to inquire about the recent Leiyinshan news.

This city is called Guling City and has a very long history. It is said that the Shennong Temple exists and it already exists.

But the two moved to several inns, and there was no news.

"Brother Yu, it is estimated that this place is too remote, it is not a small distance from Leiyin Mountain." Xiaolong said.

At this time Xiaolong became a teenager.

Although he looks beautiful, but his body is very strong.

And Xiao Yu's Guanyu face was as personable, and the two of them walking on the street naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Shennong Continent is famous for refining medicine, so the practice style is not popular.

People in the mainland of Shennong are more inclined to alchemy.

Of course, as long as they are cultivators, they will be recruited by any force.

Thanks to the unique conditions of the Shennong Continent, the mountains and plains here are full of natural treasures.

Unlike the Coffin Continent, more than 70% of the elixir in the Coffin Continent belonged to the former Mu Family.

The Mu Family is the existence of a Tu Emperor.

But Shennong Mainland is not.

Shennong Temple does not monopolize these elixir.

First, although there are outside experts in the Shennong Continent as guardians, and the gods also have their own picking teams, the Shennong Temple has a large natural formation and a huge medicine garden.

Over 70% of the elixir in the entire Shennong Continent will grow in their medicine garden.

Because the entire natural array will gather the purest heaven and earth spiritual power on the Shennong Hall.

In other places, although there will be treasures of heaven and earth, but relatively few.


With the power of Shennong Temple, are they afraid that the treasures of heaven and earth will fall into the hands of others?

Not afraid at all.

Because in the entire Shennong Continent, the Shennong Temple is the only force that can make the best use of everything, refine the elixir into the purest elixir, and maximize the effectiveness of the elixir.

In other words, even if ordinary people get these natural treasures, they will not choose to absorb them by themselves.

They will take the Shennong Hall for refining on their behalf, and then share these spirit pills with the Shennong Hall.

Over the years, the entire Shennong Continent has continued this voluntary transaction.

It is precisely because of this that the reputation of Shennong Temple has been able to establish itself in Shennong Continent for so many years.

Of course, looking at it from another angle, this is also the foundation for Shennongdian to firmly grasp the lifeline of all forces in the entire Shennong Continent.

The three big sects also know this, but what about it?

The Shennong Temple has the existence of the spirit alchemist.

Even people from the eternal family who are outside have invited Shennongdian to make alchemy.

In the evening, the two still questioned to no avail, and could only find a restaurant.

"Brother Yu, let's go back." Xiaolong persuaded.

"The enmity of Shennong Temple can be put away first. This Leiyin Mountain is not a threat to us at all."

Xiao Yu had just broken through, and he didn't want to see Xiao Yu risking his life again.

Moreover, Xiaolong knew that Xiao Yu had not left yet. One reason was that he wanted to settle accounts with Shennong Hall.

But through his understanding during the day, he knew that the Shennong Temple was a behemoth.

Although the Shennong Palace is a family of pure alchemists, they have many collateral branches, and even the direct line has no soul talent and cultivates.

These people have the entire Shennong Temple as their backing, and countless treasures of heaven and earth are smashed down crazily. How can their cultivation be weak?

This is not to mention that they hired some casual repairs as a kind of guards.

Xiao Yu seemed to have a bad premonition, and said, "Shen Nong Temple may not ask them to settle accounts for the time being, but this Leiyin Mountain makes me feel uneasy."

"Why do I struggle with these uneasiness?"

Xiao Yu himself didn't understand.

At this moment, on a table not far from the side, someone began to talk.

"I heard that this ancient medicine hall recently acquired a Crimson-Blood Solanum. It is going to be auctioned in a few days."

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