Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5207: I'll grab it for you

"I'm going! Scarlet-blooded Solanum? This is said to be a top-grade elixir!"

"Yes! This Scarlet Blood Dragon Kwai is said to be able to help the realm of Tibetan Dao directly raise a level."

"It seems that it has been three years since the last time I heard about this Scarlet Blood Dragon Knee?"

"This will definitely attract the strong from thousands of miles away for auction."

"I heard that people from Shennong Temple will come to collect the medicine in person."

After Xiao Yu listened, his heart suddenly moved.

Top grade elixir?

According to their inquiries during the day, this high-grade elixir was prescribed by Shennong Temple.

Shennong, the founding ancestor of Shennong Temple, tasted a hundred medicines and was famous all over the world. He was also a god-alchemist who was famous for nine days.

Although there is no soul beyond the sacred, but at that time it was admired by the alchemists of the entire Nine Heavens Continent.

Therefore, Shennong Continent's classification of elixir has spread all over the world.

This top-grade elixir is a kind of elixir that is of great help to the Yuan soul realm and even the realm of the Tibetan Dao.

When he was in Cangling Academy, Xiao Yu heard Gongsun Jin say.

High-grade elixir is considered very precious in the entire Nine Heavens World. If you go up further, it is a divine elixir, and even the legendary holy elixir that is rare in thousands of years.

According to legend, as soon as this sacred elixir was released, countless strong souls from the Soul Realm were dispatched, even the Mighty Venerable would be drawn out.

Although Shennong Continent has fallen, the high-grade elixir is also an extremely precious elixir for Shennong Temple.

Even if the Purple Spirit Academy has only ten plants in the Medicine Refining Pavilion!

These ten strains even Gongsun Jin was reluctant to use it for refining medicine easily.

And this requires the approval of the peak owners of the five main peaks before refining can begin.

One can imagine how precious the top-grade elixir is.

"The Red-Blood Solanum seems to be an extremely hot power. Mo Suhe’s refining technique mentioned that if the Red-Blood Solanum is swallowed directly, even the body of the immortal will be directly exploded ."

"If the people from Shennong Temple came to accept this trip, in all likelihood no one would rob them."

"Shennong Hall?" Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the news of inquiring about Leiyinshan by myself did not bring out the people from Shennong Temple.

But Xiao Yu suddenly realized that the eyes of the little dragon next to him started to flash, and his blood began to rise wildly.

The people next to him seemed to feel something wrong with Xiaolong and were shocked.

"Xiaolong!" Xiao Yu snorted softly and grabbed Xiaolong's hand.

What's wrong with Xiaolong? Why does it seem to be so excited to hear this red-blooded nightshade?

Xiaolong's eyes glowed with red light, and the sound transmission trembled: "Brother Yu, Da Huang told me that the blood in my body needs a violent energy to activate, which can bring my dragon blood one step closer!"

"Red Blood Solanum, just right for me!"

Xiao Yu was a little surprised. He nodded as he looked at the heat in Xiao Long's eyes.

"I understand, I'll grab it for you."

How could it be better for Xiaolong to absorb the beasts of Ice Soul Xuanlong?

After all, it is a demon beast.

I just borrowed the ice attributes of the Ice Soul Xuanlong to stimulate my body.

Strictly speaking, it was a waste of his beasts.

And he also promised Xiaolong that he would give Xiaolong better next time.

"Really?" Xiaolong exclaimed excitedly.

He is just a teenager, naturally a little bit overwhelmed.

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "Of course, how can someone who is a big brother lie to you, and I haven't done anything for you for a long time. This time, the Scarlet Dragon Kwai should welcome you back."

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed with some spirits.

"Is it a top-grade elixir? I am going to order it, Xiao Yu!"


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