Shura God Emperor

Chapter 809: Plan to kill the queen

Zhao Hongli was not clear, so he looked at Xiao Yu warily.

Since Xiao Yu didn't choose to kill him but save his life, there must be something for him. He definitely would not simply think that Xiao Yu was simply asking him questions.

"This prince fell into your hands today, I have nothing to say, but if you want me to do things for you, unless you kill me!"

Seeing Zhao Hongli's resolute attitude, Xiao Yu glanced at him, and said, "It seems that you still have spine, but I heard that you were sent here by the queen. If you say that it is not easy to hear, it is the distribution. I am afraid your heart is for the queen. , There is also a kind of hatred."

Zhao Hongli smiled, with a cold smile, and said, "Xiao Yu, if you try to separate our royal family in this way, then you are wrong."

Everyone in Xicheng knows that when the five princes were sent over, it was the queen’s will. A prince who had enjoyed life since childhood and was used to being rich and wealthy was suddenly demoted to such a deserted place as Xicheng. Of course, there will be more or less in his heart. Not angry.

Xiao Yu sneered: "What a loyal prince, you are so loyal to her. When the Seventh Prince was killed by me, if the queen really cared about the life of the prince, how many chances do you think I would stand here today? speak to you?

Zhao Hongli's face moved slightly, and immediately said angrily: "Shut up!"

This kid, who killed his own brother, is so confident!

If it were not for his inferior strength, Zhao Hongli would have given Xiao Yu to the corpse to vent his hatred.

But at the same time he hates himself even more, killing his brother and his enemies is right in front of him, but he can't do anything.

"If there is a kind, kill me. You, and your Xiao family, will definitely be pours out of royal anger!" Zhao Hongli sneered.

He is not afraid of death, he is afraid of revenge without retribution.

"Do you really think so?" Xiao Yu said lightly.

Zhao Hongli said: "What do you mean by this, do you want to play divorce again?"

Xiao Yu coldly snorted: "Playing with separation? Think about how many days have passed, and you can see if there is any movement in the royal family."

Zhao Hongli frowned. To be honest, he had actually thought about this issue.

He and the queen have some contradictions, but no matter what, he is a member of the royal family. Is it possible that the queen will not be saved?

But the past few days have passed, Xicheng hasn't moved at all, and even Bao Zhi next to him is surprised.

He has been in Xicheng these days, but there is no news about the capital at all!

It stands to reason that there is no reason why Xicheng has such a big noise.

Seeing Zhao Hongli's expression a little moved, Bao Zhi had a bad premonition in his heart.

Xiao Yu continued: "What? I can't figure it out, is it? In my opinion, the queen doesn't take your life into consideration at all."

Zhao Hongli's face sank, but he didn't even speak.

"Xiao Yu, what do you want to say!"

Xiao Yu stared at Zhao Hongli, with murderous intent in his eyes, and said: "The queen wants to kill me again and again, but I am turned away from danger every time, and I have no intention of opposing the queen, but the queen and I are incompatible."

Bao Zhi was taken aback, and said, "Are you going to kill the queen!?"

Even Zhao Hongli never thought that this kid would be so bold!

Kill the queen! Then the whole royal family is going to be messy!

There was a grudge between Baoxuan Pavilion and the royal family, and Xiao Yu had to insert a foot in it.

After all, once he had his relatives here, secondly, Bao Xuan Pavilion helped Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu should also give back.

To be honest, the queen wanted to take Xiao Yu's life again and again, and Xiao Yu had had enough. He knew that there was no movement from the royal family now, which did not mean that the queen had let him go.

On the contrary, based on Xiao Yu's understanding of the queen, the queen definitely planned something behind his back, and it was even greater!

Xiao Yu stared at Zhao Hongli and said, "So I want to ask you something about the queen."

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